TITEL : Asphalt KEYWORDS (statist) : multiple regression ANWENDUNGSGEBIET : Technik, Strassenbau VERW.(VORL./J.-S.) : R/SS80-, R/SS82-, R/SS84-, R/SS86-34, R/SS88-36,... StMeth,chemIng -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KURZE BESCHREIBUNG : Verschiedene Versuchsreihen zur Abnutzung des Asphaltes in Funktion verschiedener Eigenschaften. y = RUT : "rate of rutting" = change of rut depth in inches/million wheel passes ["rut":= 'Wagenspur", ausgefahrenes Geleise] x1 = VISC : viscosity of asphalt x2 = ASPH : percentage of asphalt in surface course x3 = BASE : percentage of asphalt in base course x4 = RUN : '0/1' indicator for two sets of runs. x5 = FINES: 10* percentage of fines in surface course x6 = VOIDS: percentage of voids in surface course SPEZ. EIG. : y & x1 werden logarithmiert; Cp, stepwise regression -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIM.(VAR./FAELLE) : 7/31 S-plus: read.table("...") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * / LITERATUR : DtA/ Daniel & Wood 1980, 6.5, p.95 ff. ?D/ Gorman, J.W. and Toman, R.J. (1966). "Selection of Variables ..", Technometrics 8, 27-51. * D=Daten, vA=volle Analyse, tA=teilweise Analyse, K=Kommentar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEMERKUNGEN : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USERS : .. DATUM/UNTERSCHRIFT : 30.8.88/Ruckstuhl; 11.96/M.Mächler