TITEL : neuro2 KEYWORDS (statist) : Kategoriale Daten, Kontingenztafeln, GLM, Generalized Linear Models ANWENDUNGSGEBIET : Medizin, Neurologie VERW.(VORL./J.-S.) : - Ueb.aufgabe : " .tex" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KURZE BESCHREIBUNG : Ganz ähnlich wie "neuro" (--> neuro.doc ), aber andere Zahlen Von http://hotspur.psych.yorku.ca/SCS/Courses/grcat/grc3.html The table below shows the classification of 69 New Orleans patients regarding multiple sclerosis diagnosis by neurologists in New Orleans and Winnipeg. The agreement chart shows the two intermediate categories lie largely above the line, indicating that the Winnipeg neurologist tends to classify patients into more severe diagnostic categories. New Orleans |------- Winnipeg Neurologist ------| Neurologist Certain Probable Possible Doubtful Certain MS 5 3 0 0 Probable MS 3 11 4 0 Possible MS 2 13 3 4 Doubtful MS 1 2 4 14 SPEZ. EIG. : Symmetrie der Tafel ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIM.(VAR./FAELLE) : 4 x 4 Kontingenztafel: N = 69 Einlesen mit S-plus: read.table("/u/sfs/ueb/datasets/neuro.dat", header = T) DATENFORMAT IN SAS : INFILE INPUT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * / LITERATUR : / * D=Daten, vA=volle Analyse, tA=teilweise Analyse, K=Kommentar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEMERKUNGEN : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USERS : DATUM/UNTERSCHRIFT : Example The table below shows the classification of 69 New Orleans patients regarding multiple sclerosis diagnosis by neurologists in New Orleans and Winnipeg. The agreement chart shows the two intermediate categories lie largely above the line, indicating that the Winnipeg neurologist tends to classify patients into more severe diagnostic categories. New Orleans |------- Winnipeg Neurologist ------| Neurologist Certain Probable Possible Doubtful SUM Certain MS 5 3 0 0 8 Probable MS 3 11 4 0 18 Possible MS 2 13 3 4 22 Doubtful MS 1 2 4 14 21 SUM 11 29 11 18 69