TITEL : pig-feed KEYWORDS (statist) : anova ANWENDUNGSGEBIET : Landwirtschaft VERW.(VORL./J.-S.) : Var.Anal. (FHa) seit 198x Ueb.aufgabe : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KURZE BESCHREIBUNG : siehe Scheffe "6.2 in chapter "Analysis of Covariance", p.217 ``Experimental piggery arranged for individual feeding of siz pigs in each of five pens. From each of five litters siz young pigs, three males and three females, were selected and allotted to one of the pens. Three feeding treatments denoted by A, B, C, containing increasing proportions (p_A < p_B < p_C) of protein, were used and each given to one male and one female in each pen. The pigs were individually weighed each week for 16 weeks. For each pig the growth rate of pounds per week was calculated as the slope of a line fitted by LS, and is denoted by y in the table; the weight at the beginning of the experimnet is denoted by x. '' SPEZ. EIG. : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIM.(VAR./FAELLE) : 5 / 30 Einlesen mit S : d.pig <- read.table("/u/sfs/datasets/pig-feed.dat",head=T) DATENFORMAT IN SAS : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * / LITERATUR : / D,tA / Frank Hampel (198x). Einige kommentierte Beispiele aus der Varianzanalyse [Folienkopien, Handout für NDK u.a.] vA / Scheffé (...) ..... p.217 D / Commonwealth Bureau of Plant Breeding and Genetics (1950); Techn.Communication 15, Field Trials II: The Analysis of Covariance by John Wishart; Cambridge Univ.Press * D=Daten, vA=volle Analyse, tA=teilweise Analyse, K=Kommentar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEMERKUNGEN : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USERS : M.Maechler, H.R.Roth DATUM/UNTERSCHRIFT : 26.Jun 01 / MMa