TITEL : seatbelt KEYWORDS (statist) : fatal injuries, car accidents, wearing seat belts ANWENDUNGSGEBIET : Kategoriale Daten, Kontingenztafeln, GLM, Generalized Linear Models VERW.(VORL./J.-S.) : Ueb.aufgabe : " .tex" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KURZE BESCHREIBUNG : NDK-Uebungen 4 aus "NDK 1992, J.Lindsey, Categorical Data"s Injuries in car accidents in Florida in 1988 are classified as to whether a seat belt was being used at the time or not. -> Kluge Koepfe schuetzen sich ! SPEZ. EIG. : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIM.(VAR./FAELLE) : 2 / 2 Einlesen mit S-plus: read.table("/u/sfs/ueb/datasets/seatbelt.dat") DATENFORMAT IN SAS : INFILE INPUT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * / LITERATUR : D,tA/ Agresti (19..) .... , p.30 Lindsey, NDK-Skript 92/93, p. 10,11,14,.. * D=Daten, vA=volle Analyse, tA=teilweise Analyse, K=Kommentar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEMERKUNGEN : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USERS : DATUM/UNTERSCHRIFT : Feb.94 / M. Maechler