Global calibration of Gephyrocapsa coccolith abundance in Holocene sediments for paleotemperature assessment Jörg Bollmann and Jorijntje Henderiks, Bernhard Brabec Paleoceanography, 17(3), 1035 fossilien.dat: SAMPLE Group Length Angle Width Z_length Z_width Aver_tube fossilien-samples.dat: fossilien.dat Sample Group "species" lLength log10(Length) sAngle sqrt(Angle) rWidth Width/Length rClength CLength/Length Cratio Cwidth/Clength / (Width/Length) SAMPLE Latitude (N) Longitude (W) WDepth Water Depth (m) SST.mean mean_SST Feb_SST May_SST Aug_SST Nov_SST Chlorophyll (micro mole/l) N Nitrate (micro mole/l) Salinity (psu) Groups: percentages GT GE GC GL GO GM ??? Korrekturen: eliminiert: GeoB.4242,x,2.47,46.46,2.01,0.00,0.00,0.00 old.Geob.4216,2,3.40,7.06,2.61,1.25,0.87,4.13 old.Geob.4216,2,4.51,26.88,3.52,2.00,1.44,2.34