CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS The ASA Section on Statistical Graphics and the Statistical Computing Section are sponsoring a special exposition entitled "King Crab Around Kodiak Island, Alaska, 1973-1986." The exposition will take the form of a poster session at the August 1990 Joint Statistical Meetings in Anaheim. Its purpose is to provide a forum for ASA members to present both old and new graphical and analytical techniques for describing, analyzing and summarizing the data. Put together a team of data analysts and try your hand at this data! Although the description that accompanies the data includes several questions of interest, an exploratory analysis seeking general kinds of relationships and associations is appropriate. The data set is moderately large (about 72K numbers), and should be suitable for class projects. The data includes the 1973-1986 annual survey data for Kodiak Island red king crab, with counts of males and females, and locations of samples; also, commercial catch data (kilograms, number of crab, number of pots fished, price per pound, number of vessels) from 1960-1982, ocean temperatures and salinity, average number of eggs carried by females, and crab size frequencies. The data set also includes the shoreline map coordinates of the Kodiak group of islands. This is a data set of vital importance to the understanding of king crab, and king crab management. It is currently being analyzed by the Alaskan Department of Fish and Game, and has not been watered down for the ASA exposition. There are four ways to get the 11 data files: (1) from someone else who already has them; (2) through anonymous ftp from (Internet address is; cd to pub/crab and start by taking a copy of README); (3) from the StatLib server at CMU (send an email letter to containing a single line "send README from crab"); or (4) by sending either one formatted IBM-PC 5.25 inch floppy disk or one 800K double-sided Macintosh diskette to Paul A Tukey, Bellcore 2M-391, 445 South Street, Morristown NJ 07960. Please use method (4) only as a last resort. Note that README is an ascii text file containing a more complete description of the data set and examples of the kinds of questions that might be explored with this data. To participate in the Exposition, you are required to submit a contributed paper abstract for inclusion in the formal ASA Contributed Paper Program. This reserves a poster session slot for your exposition. Your abstract, on the official ASA abstract form included in this issue of Amstat News (November 1989), must be sent with your meeting registration fee to the ASA office, postmarked no later than February 15, 1990, and identified as a contribution to the special Graphics and Data Analysis Exposition. Questions about the exposition should be directed (preferably by email) to Werner Stuetzle [email:, phone: (206)543-0711], Univ of Washington, Dept. of Statistics GN-22, B313 Padelford Hall, Seattle WA 98195, or to Paul A Tukey [email:, phone: (201)829-4285, fax:(201)538-9093], Bellcore 2M-391, 445 South Street, Morristown NJ 07960. Questions about the data set should be directed (also preferably by email) to B. Alan Johnson [email: fgkodaj@alaska.bitnet, phone: (907)486-4791].