[BioC] BC install trouble under Windows

Russ turakulov Rust.Turakulov@anu.edu.au
Mon, 02 Sep 2002 13:43:10 +1000

Can you help me to install "BioConductur" under Windows2K
When I'm trying to load Bioconductor package R tell next things:

 > library(Biobase)
Creating a new generic function for "[[<-" on element
2 of the search path
Making a generic for special function "[[<-"
Creating a new generic function for "[[" on element 2
of the search path
Making a generic for special function "[["
Expanding the signature to include omitted arguments
in definition: j = "missing"
Creating a new generic function for "length" on element
2 of the search path
Making a generic for special function "length"
Creating a new generic function for "[" on element 2
of the search path
Making a generic for special function "["
Error in conformMethod(signature, mnames, fnames) :
         Method has formal arguments not in generic function: file, append, 
quote, sep, eol, na, dec, row.names, col.names, qmethod
Error in library(Biobase) : .First.lib failed

Thank you,

Russ Turakulov <rust.turakulov@anu.edu.au>
Phone: +61 2  6125-4128;  [(m) 0421163470]
CBiS,  GPO   Box 334,    Canberra ACT 2601