[BioC] expresso mas problem

Laurent Gautier laurent@cbs.dtu.dk
Thu, 9 Jan 2003 08:31:55 +0100

On Wed, Jan 08, 2003 at 11:02:38AM -0800, Dick Beyer wrote:
> I installed the affy_1.1.3.zip package and I tried the Laurent expresso patch of Jan 8.  I get the following error:
> peter3.eset <- expresso(peter3,normalize.method=FALSE, bgcorrect.method="mas", pmcorrect.method="mas", summary.method="mas")
> background correction: mas 
> normalization: FALSE 
> PM/MM correction : mas 
> expression values: mas 
> background correcting...done.
> normalizing...Error in pmatch(x, table, duplicates.ok) : 
>         argument is not of mode character

If one does not want normalization, the current way to specify it is
to set normalize=FALSE (but the way you tried to do it is kind of intuitive
... will think about it for the next release...)


## using that rather than peter3
abatch.n <- expresso(affybatch.example, normalize=FALSE, bgcorrect.method="mas", pmcorrect.method="mas", summary.method="mas")

Hopin' it helps,
