[BioC] Problem reading in files with marrayInput

Richard Friedman friedman at cancercenter.columbia.edu
Tue Nov 4 18:20:53 MET 2003

On Mon, 3 Nov 2003, Jean Yee Hwa Yang wrote:

> Hi Richard,
> Look at the examples in help(read.marrayRaw)
> Copy and paste the whole set of examples and see if it works.
> If so, it's possible something is not right with the spot files.
> Try simply reading the data in:
> array1.raw <- read.Spot(fnames, path=datadir)
> and see if it works.
> Cheers
> Jean

Dear Jean and Everybody,

	Thank you for your reply.
	I ran the test case in "Introduction to the Bioconductor
marrayInput package first, without any error messages.
	When I ran the session in help(read.marrayRaw) I got
the following error messages:
>  datadir <- system.file("data", package="marrayInput")
>      skip <-  grep("Row", readLines(file.path(datadir,"fish.gal"),
n=100)) - 1
Error in file(con, "r") : unable to open connection
In addition: Warning message:
cannot open file `C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw1080/library/marrayInput/data/fish.gal'
>      swirl.layout <- read.marrayLayout(ngr=4, ngc=4, nsr=22, nsc=24)
>      swirl.targets <- read.marrayInfo(file.path(datadir,
Error in file(con, "r") : unable to open connection
In addition: Warning message:
cannot open file
>      swirl.gnames <- read.marrayInfo(file.path(datadir, "fish.gal"),
+                                      info.id=4:5, labels=5, skip=skip)
Error in file(con, "r") : unable to open connection
In addition: Warning message:
cannot open file `C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw1080/library/marrayInput/data/fish.gal'
>      x <-  maInfo(swirl.gnames)[,1]
>      y <- rep(0, maNspots(swirl.layout))
>      y[x == "control"] <- 1
>      slot(swirl.layout, "maControls") <- as.factor(y)
>      fnames <- dir(path=datadir,pattern=paste("*", "spot", sep="\."))
>      swirl<- read.Spot(fnames, path=datadir,
+                             layout = swirl.layout,
+                             gnames = swirl.gnames,
+                             targets = swirl.targets)
[1] "Reading C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw1080/library/marrayInput/data/array1.1.spot"
[1] "Reading C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw1080/library/marrayInput/data/array1.2.spot"
[1] "Reading C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw1080/library/marrayInput/data/array1.3.spot"
[1] "Reading C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw1080/library/marrayInput/data/array1.4.spot"
[1] "Reading C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw1080/library/marrayInput/data/array1.5.spot"
[1] "Reading C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw1080/library/marrayInput/data/array1.6.spot"
Warning messages:
1: number of items read is not a multiple of the number of columns
2: number of rows of result
        is not a multiple of vector length (arg 2) in: cbind(Gf,
3: number of rows of result
        is not a multiple of vector length (arg 2) in: cbind(Gb,
4: number of rows of result
        is not a multiple of vector length (arg 2) in: cbind(Rf,
5: number of rows of result
        is not a multiple of vector length (arg 2) in: cbind(Rb,
Error in read.marrayRaw(fnames = fnames, path = path, name.Gf = name.Gf,
        Object "swirl.targets" not found

Two things (at least) are puzzling to me about the above session.

1. I seemed able to read fish.gal when I ran the excercises in
the Introduction. fish.gal is in the data directory under the
marrayInput directory, in which I am working, Since I opened
fish.gal with notepad it appears as a notepad file on the
screen. Is that okay?

2. The computer started reading the array1.?.spot files,
which the present series of commands had nothing to do.

	Then I tried reading the spot files the way that you
said and their were problems:
> fnames <- dir(path=datadir,pattern=paste("*","spot",sep="\."))
> array1.raw <- read.Spot(fnames,path=datadir)
[1] "Reading C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw1080/library/marrayInput/data/array1.1.spot"
[1] "Reading C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw1080/library/marrayInput/data/array1.2.spot"
[1] "Reading C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw1080/library/marrayInput/data/array1.3.spot"
[1] "Reading C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw1080/library/marrayInput/data/array1.4.spot"
[1] "Reading C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw1080/library/marrayInput/data/array1.5.spot"
[1] "Reading C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw1080/library/marrayInput/data/array1.6.spot"
Warning messages:
1: number of items read is not a multiple of the number of columns
2: number of rows of result
        is not a multiple of vector length (arg 2) in: cbind(Gf,
3: number of rows of result
        is not a multiple of vector length (arg 2) in: cbind(Gb,
4: number of rows of result
        is not a multiple of vector length (arg 2) in: cbind(Rf,
5: number of rows of result
        is not a multiple of vector length (arg 2) in: cbind(Rb,


So clearly there is a problem with the spot files. When I ran
summary statistics on array.raw, I got the following:
> objects()
 [1] "array1"          "array1.gnames"   "array1.layout"   "array1.raw"
 [6] "ctl"             "datadir"         "fileIndex"       "fnames"
[11] "read.marrayInfo" "swirl"           "swirl.gnames"    "swirl.layout"
[16] "swirl.samples"   "swirl2"          "swirl2.gnames"   "swirl2.layout"
[21] "swirl3"          "swirl3..samples" "swirl3.gnames"   "swirl3.layout"
[26] "x"               "y"
> array1.raw
Pre-normalization intensity data:        Object of class marrayRaw.

Number of arrays:       6 arrays.

A) Layout of spots on the array:
Array layout:    Object of class marrayLayout.

Total number of spots:
Dimensions of grid matrix:               rows by  cols
Dimensions of spot matrices:             rows by  cols

Currently working with a subset of  spots.

Control spots:

Notes on layout:

B) Samples hybridized to the array:
Object of class marrayInfo.

NULL data frame with 1 rows

Number of labels:  0
Dimensions of maInfo matrix:  0  rows by  0  columns


C) Summary statistics for log-ratio distribution:
                  Min. 1st Qu. Median  Mean 3rd Qu.   Max   NA
1 array1.1.spot  -2.16   -0.76  -0.52 -0.44   -0.20  3.50   NA
2 array1.2.spot  -2.15   -0.66  -0.44 -0.44   -0.21  2.01   NA
3 array1.3.spot  -2.59   -0.84  -0.58 -0.58   -0.31  1.04   NA
4 array1.4.spot  -3.46   -0.33   0.09  0.13    0.52  3.53   NA
5 array1.5.spot  -3.05   -0.43  -0.15 -0.15    0.12  3.16   NA
6 array1.6.spot -13.08   -0.93   0.29  0.28    2.41 15.43 3664

D) Notes on intensity data:
Spot Data

Clearly something is wrong.  The files look good to me.
May I send you the files (offlist).

Thanks and best wishes,
Richard A. Friedman, PhD
Associate Research Scientist
Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center
Oncoinformatics Core
Department of Biomedical Informatics
Box 95, Room 130BB or P&S 1-420C
Columbia University
630 W. 168th St.
New York, NY 10032
(212)305-6901 (5-6901) (voice)
friedman at cancercenter.columbia.edu

"Everybody is going to do their book reports on Harry Potter.
I'm going to do mine on 'Red Planet'." -Isaac Friedman, age 13
(I know I said "no more Isaac quotes", but I couldn't resist that one).

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