[BioC] GO package for GOstats

zhangqi007 at yahoo.com zhangqi007 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 16 23:00:17 CEST 2004

Hi,  I installed GOstats in my R1.9.1, but got the
following error when trying to load it:

Loading required package: GO 
Error in f(libname, pkgname) : can only load GOstats
with GO
In addition: Warning message: 
There is no package called 'GO' in: library(package,
character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, warn.conflicts
= warn.conflicts,  
Error in library(GOstats) : .First.lib failed

I can not find GO package on CRAN or bioconductor web
site.  Could some one help please?  Thanks a lot.

Qi Zhang

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