[BioC] export colored nodes using toDot in ontoTools

Vincent Carey 525-2265 stvjc at channing.harvard.edu
Tue Aug 24 13:38:41 CEST 2004

On Sat, 21 Aug 2004, Yi-Xiong Sean Zhou wrote:

> Hi,
> Could anyone tell me how to export a .dot file from ontoTools using toDot?

i noticed later that your header mentions colored nodes,
though your question does not.

note that Rgraphviz supports dot exports in the following
way: if g is a graph, then ag <- agopen(g, ...) produces
an instance of Ragraph.  now agwrite(ag, ...) will
write the dot representation, which can include coloring
and other attributes, depending on how you define the
attributes of the graph.

an example:

ff <- agopen( IMCAGraph, "foo",  attrs = IMCAAttrs$defAttrs,
    nodeAttrs=IMCAAttrs$nodeAttrs, subGList=IMCAAttrs$subGList)
agwrite(ff, file="/tmp/ff.dot")

[it appears that some manual modifications of the resulting
dot file may be necessary to get desired color properties
of ff.ps if using dot -Tps ff.dot > ff.ps]

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