[BioC] affylmGUI

James Wettenhall wettenhall at wehi.edu.au
Wed May 12 06:14:28 CEST 2004


On Tue, 11 May 2004, Simon Kidd wrote:
> I got error messages when I tried to make these changes in affylmGUI 
> so I think I will wait for the new release version.

The affylmGUI patches have been committed to Bioconductor, 
but they may take a while to show up.  I have tested them 
with a malaria data set with no annotation package, and the 
main problems you encountered appear to be fixed.

You should be able to see the changes straight away at :

You can obtain them with:


I have modified the DESCRIPTION file, so that the version number 
is increased to 0.4.6 and the date is changed to May 12.

If you tried modifying affylmGUI yourself, you should not expect 
to be able to modify the R code directly in 

Instead you could unzip the source (.tar.gz) package OUTSIDE 
the $R_DIRECTORY\library tree with :
tar zxvf
then modify the R code
then use R CMD build affylmGUI
(to build a new .tar.gz source package)
then R CMD INSTALL affylmGUI_0.4.6.tar.gz
(to install affylmGUI from source)

Or if you want a binary, e.g. on Windows, you can use:
Rcmd build --binary affylmGUI

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