[BioC] where is GO 1.6.0 version required by annaffy , anyone know?

Saurin D. Jani jani at musc.edu
Mon Oct 11 20:18:26 CEST 2004

Hi BioC,

I am using R-2.0 on Fedora Core 2 LINUX. I went to Bioconductor and I could not
find latest GO verstion, it has only GO_1.5.1.tar.gz.

> getRversion()
  [1] '2.0.0'

> library(annaffy,warn.conflicts = FALSE);
  Error: package 'GO' 1.5.1 is loaded, but >= 1.6.0 is required by 'annaffy'

I want to get GOALLLOCUSID and I am trying to get new version of GO and I could
not find it. 

> GOLocmap<-mget(names(myGOCC$intCounts),GOALLLOCUSID);
  Error in mget(names(myGOCC$intCounts), GOALLLOCUSID) :
        Object "GOALLLOCUSID" not found

When I do:

> update.packages2(GO,develOK = TRUE);
Note: argument `lib' is missing: using /usr/local/lib/R/library
Note: You did not specify a download type.  Using a default value of: Source
This will be fine for almost all users

Error in match(pkgs, libPkgs) : match requires vector arguments

Please ,let me know if anyone did this before?

Thank you,
Saurin Jani

| Bioinformatician
| Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy
| Medical  University of South Carolina (MUSC)
| 173 Ashley Ave
| Charleston,SC - 29407 (US)
| Email: jani at musc.edu
| Phone: (843)792-5483

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