[BioC] install BioConductor in R 2.0.0 for Windows

Eric f_2002ca at yahoo.ca
Fri Oct 22 08:38:01 CEST 2004

Hi, I am trying to use BioCoductor, and when install
it in R(2.0.0), it gave the following error message
and stop right there. 
Below is the commands that I used and the message it
showed. Any idea on how to fix it? 
in the R 1.9.1, the installation is fine. Any idea
will be greatly appreciated. 
> source("http://www.bioconductor.org/getBioC.R")
> getBioC(libName="all")
Running getBioC version 1.2.66....
If you encounter problems, first make sure that
you are running the latest version of getBioC()
which can be found at: www.bioconductor.org/getBioC.R

Please direct any concerns or questions to
bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch.

You are downloading all of the Bioconductor packages
and any dependencies.
Depending on your system this will be about 90-95
packages and be roughly 200MB in size.

Are you sure that you want to do this? [y/n] y
Loading required package: reposTools 
Error in library(package, character.only = TRUE,
logical = TRUE, warn.conflicts = warn.conflicts,  : 
        'reposTools' is not a valid package --
installed < 2.0.0?
Loading required package: reposTools 

S F.

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