[BioC] getBioC() -- keeps grabbing everything

Seth Falcon sfalcon at fhcrc.org
Tue Aug 9 19:23:25 CEST 2005

On  9 Aug 2005, rfinney5 at yahoo.com wrote:

> Previously I have been using R Version 2.0.1 on a
> Linux box as root and everything worked well.
> I have installed in my local user director the latest
> R Version 2.1.1 on a different machine (a Sun box)
> from the source code and I am not running as root.  I
> can't quite figure out how to make getBioC() not
> constantly rebuild/reinstall the entire Bioconductor
> Affy suite every time.
> I do the 
> "source ("http://www.bioconductor.org/getBioC.R")
> and 
> "getBioc("affy") 
> and it always re-gets it; unlike
> on the Linux box as root where it just said "
> all requested packages are up to date".
> I have fiddled with the lib argument to getBioC() and
> I have set the R_HOME and R_LIB environment variables.
> There may be an subtle incantation I need but can't
> quite figure out.  
> Anybody got any ideas?  How do you force the darn
> thing to recognize that it has built the thing before?

I'm pretty sure you don't.  Right now, the script is not very smart
and will reinstall if you ask it to.  

+ seth

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