[BioC] Typo in KEGGSOAP 0.6.5?

michael watson (IAH-C) michael.watson at bbsrc.ac.uk
Tue Jan 11 10:37:31 CET 2005


>  mark.pathway.by.objects
function (pathway.id, object.id.list) 
    return(.SOAP(KEGGserver, "mark_pathway_by_objects", .soapArgs =
list(pathwya_id = pathway.id, 
        object_id_list = object.id.list), action = KEGGaction, 
        xmlns = KEGGxmlns))

I just wondered if the "pathwya_id" type in the above function will have
any effect?  (I don't know as I'm struggling to get this to work through
my proxy)


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