[BioC] Trouble querying pubmed on strings

Ken Termiso jerk_alert at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 4 23:51:18 CET 2005

hi all,

i'm trying to get a function working that queries pubmed with any string and 
returns pubMedAbst objects corrresponding to the pubmed article hits from 
the query string...

this is my code so far, based partly from annotate's 'query.pdf' and also 
from the perl script from NCBI at 
http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query/static/eutils_help.html :


query <- "trk"

pmSrch <- function(query)
    utils <- "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils"

    esearch <- paste(utils, "/esearch.fcgi?" , 
"db=Pubmed&retmax=1&usehistory=y&term=", query)
    esearch <- gsub(" ", "", esearch)
    cat(esearch, "\n")
    #return(esearch)   # returns URL


pms <- pmSrch(query)

a <- xmlRoot(pms)
numAbst <- length(xmlChildren(a))
arts <- vector("list", length = numAbst)
absts <- rep(NA, numAbst)

for (i in 1:numAbst) {
arts[[i]] <- buildPubMedAbst(a[[i]])
absts[i] <- abstText(arts[[i]])

i don't know perl and i end up with numAbst = 8 (regardless of the search 
string) and esearch = 
but typing :

An object of class 'pubMedAbst':
Title: No Title Provided
PMID: No PMID Provided
Authors: No Author Information Provided
Journal: No Journal Provided
Date: Month Year

simply gives me empty objects...

i'd appreciate any help anyone can give. i am not familiar with XML...

thanks in advance,

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