[BioC] hypergeometric enrichment of GO terms

Axel Rasche rasche at molgen.mpg.de
Mon Aug 21 13:09:59 CEST 2006


For a set of marker genes from a longer list of evaluated genes I would 
like to test the hypergeometrical enrichment of GO terms. Due to the 
tree structure of GO terms this is a bit intricate. Can anyone point me 
to useful functions?
By now I have lists with Ensembl gene identifiers and the GO annotation 
can be provided using the package biomaRt.

In the package GOstats I find the function GOhyperG to compare a 
differentially expressed genes to all the genes on an Affymetrix chip 
with the hypergeometric distribution. Unfortunately the package GOstats 
is restricted to microarray datasets.

Many thanks for your answer in advance,
Axel Rasche

Dipl. Math. ETH Axel Rasche
Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics
Department Lehrach (Vertebrate Genomics)
Ihnestrasse 63-73
D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem

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