[BioC] cannot find CompStatViz package

Diego Díez ddiez at iib.uam.es
Mon May 15 03:24:36 CEST 2006

Dear all,

I'm trying to find the package CompStatViz which has the scripts used 
in the paper of bepress "Visualizing Genomic Data (February 1, 2006)
Robert Gentleman, Florian Hahne, and Wolfgang Huber". In the bepress
page says that it is in the bioconductor we page but I'm unable to find
it. Also tryied to google without luck. Anybody know if it is accessible
from the bioconductor web page?

Thanks in advance.


 Diego Díez Ruiz, PhD.
 Bioknowledge systems, Kanehisa lab.
 Bioinformatics center,
 Institute for Chemical Research,
 Kyoto University.
 Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011 JAPAN.
 e-mail:    diez at kuicr.kyoto-u.ca.jp
 url:       http://
 tlf:       +81-774-38-3296
 fax:       +

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