[BioC] GOstats

Al Ivens alicat at sanger.ac.uk
Tue Sep 12 23:43:31 CEST 2006


I am trying to use GOstats (1.6.0) for GOSlim analyses, but have just
realised that several of my selected Slim terms (chosen via AmiGO
http://www.godatabase.org/) are not in GOstats.

> GOTERM$"GO:0031975"
> GOTERM$"GO:0007067"
GOID = GO:0007067
Term = mitosis
Definition = The division of the eukaryotic cell nucleus to produce two
daughter nuclei that, usually, contain the identical chromosome
     complement to their mother.
Ontology = BP

I have tried the text search methods as suggested by Nianhua recently,
also drew a blank.  The unifying feature of all the "failures" is that
they have high number GOIDs.  

Is there a simple way of finding what the highest GOID in GOstats is?
Also, I guess, when might GOstats be updated!?

Many thanks,


> sessionInfo()
Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01) 

attached base packages:
[1] "splines"   "tools"     "methods"   "stats"     "graphics"
"grDevices" "utils"     "datasets"  "base"     

other attached packages:
   GOstats   Category   hgu95av2       KEGG   multtest genefilter
survival     xtable       RBGL   annotate         GO      graph
Ruuid    Biobase 
   "1.6.0"    "1.4.1"    "1.6.5"    "1.6.5"   "1.10.2"   "1.11.7"
"2.28"    "1.3-2"    "1.8.1"   "1.10.0"    "1.6.5"   "1.10.6"   "1.10.0"
    gplots      gdata     gtools    lattice       MASS    statmod
sma      limma      Hmisc 
   "2.0.2"    "2.0.2"    "2.0.2"  "0.13-10" "7.2-27.1"    "1.2.4"
"0.5.15"   "2.7.10"   "3.0-12"

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