[BioC] how to convert a AffyBatch into ExpressionSet object ?

Min Wook Kim labohemekim at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 18:42:56 CEST 2007

Dear all,
I tried to convert a object of AffyBatch into one of ExpressionSet.
but I couldn't get exactly same information between them, actually,
The data between original data and the modified data from gcrma was

The problem was that the assayData and fetureaData didn't match. Do I
have to make new object of AssayData and featuredata by using "new
command" ? are there any easy way ? e.g. some function to copy from
one to the other.

I did it like ;
> abatch
AffyBatch object
size of arrays=1002x1002 features (8 kb)
cdf=Mouse430_2 (45101 affyids)
number of samples=4
number of genes=45101
> tmp <- new ("ExpressionSet", phenoData = phenoData(abatch) , featureData = featureData(abatch), experimentData = experimentData(abatch), annotation = annotation(abatch),  assayData= assayData(abatch))

And what's difference between the following statement and above which
were different in assayData defined and exprs )

> tmp <- new ("ExpressionSet", phenoData = phenoData(abatch) , featureData = featureData(abatch), experimentData = experimentData(abatch), annotation = annotation(abatch),   exprs = exprs(abatch) )

Finally, I want to make the same structure of the following two
objects except the value depending on the effect of gcrma. myRMA was
the output of gcrma. Maybe, my trying has a big misunderstanding of
them. if do it, please tell me it.

> myRMA
ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
assayData: 14707 features, 4 samples
  element names: exprs
  sampleNames: HM1_24, HM1_25, Flt3_a, Flt3_b
  varLabels and varMetadata:
    sample: arbitrary numbering
    pheno1: arbitrary numbering
  rowNames: 1415670_at, 1415671_at, ..., AFFX-TransRecMur/X57349_3_at
(14707 total)
  varLabels and varMetadata: none
experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
Annotation [1] "mouse4302"
> tmp
ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
assayData: 1004004 features, 4 samples
  element names: exprs
  sampleNames: HM1_24, HM1_25, Flt3_a, Flt3_b
  varLabels and varMetadata:
    sample: arbitrary numbering
    pheno1: arbitrary numbering
  featureNames: 1, 2, ..., 1004004 (1004004 total)
  varLabels and varMetadata: none
experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
Annotation [1] "mouse4302"

And additionally, I haven't been able find the picture of description
about the hierarchy of classes ; especially Affybatch , EspressionSet
and eSet. If to exist, it would be so helpful.

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.5.1 (2007-06-27)


attached base packages:
  [1] "splines"   "tools"     "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "datasets"
  [7] "tcltk"     "utils"     "methods"   "base"

other attached packages:
mouse4302cdf          vsn       marray    tkWidgets      GOstats     Category
    "1.16.0"      "2.2.0"     "1.14.0"     "1.14.0"      "2.2.6"      "2.2.3"
      Matrix         RBGL        graph     multtest      annaffy         KEGG
"0.999375-1"     "1.12.0"     "1.14.2"     "1.16.1"      "1.8.1"     "1.16.1"
          GO        limma affyQCReport  geneplotter      lattice     annotate
    "1.16.0"     "2.10.5"     "1.14.0"     "1.14.0"    "0.15-11"     "1.14.1"
RColorBrewer      affyPLM        gcrma  matchprobes     affydata       xtable
     "1.0-1"     "1.12.0"      "2.8.1"      "1.8.1"     "1.11.3"      "1.5-1"
  simpleaffy   genefilter     survival         affy       affyio      Biobase
   "2.10.31"     "1.14.1"       "2.32"     "1.14.2"      "1.4.1"     "1.14.1"
      DynDoc  widgetTools
    "1.14.0"     "1.12.0"

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