[BioC] Mann Whitney

Patricia Garcia patricia.garcia.gonzalez at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 18:21:20 CET 2007

I'm trying to use a Mann-Whitney test in a PCR data, like this:

# Case the samples are similar:
x1 <- c(19.0370805,17.51822,18.524912)
y1 <- c(20.541484,22.039175,20.542968)
w1 <- wilcox.test(x1,y1, paired = FALSE, alternative = c("two.sided"))

        Wilcoxon rank sum test

    data:  m and f
    W = 0, p-value = 0.1
    alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0

# Case the samples are not similar:
x2 <- c(3.9934205,    3.499646,    4.489782)
y2 <- c(20.541484,22.039175,20.542968)
w2 <- wilcox.test(m,f, paired = FALSE, alternative = c("two.sided"))

        Wilcoxon rank sum test

    data:  m and f
    W = 0, p-value = 0.1
    alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0

I obtain the same result: pvalue > 0.05, so i don't reject the null 
hypothesis, that both samples came from the same distribution.
If i test other numbers the result is the same always.

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