[BioC] Second pass at gcrma error

Dave Jacoby jacoby at purdue.edu
Mon Dec 17 18:01:46 CET 2007

I've struggled with makeProbePackage for a while now, working with my
Probe, and getting nothing.
Any attempt to use the probe packages I made would end up with
//"Computing affinitiesError: length(prlen) == 1 is not TRUE".

//That would be using this as a script:


filename <- system.file( "extdata" , "AFLAVUSa520391F_probeseqs.txt" )
outdir   <- '.'
species  <- 'Aspergillus_flavus'
me       <- "Dave Jacoby <jacoby at purdue.edu>"
makeProbePackage( "AFLAVUSa520391F" ,
                  datafile   = filename ,
                  outdir     = outdir ,
                  species    = species ,
                  maintainer = me ,
                  version    = '0.0.1' ,
                  force      = TRUE )

But there's a one-line fix that I've found. Replacing

    filename <- system.file( "extdata" , "AFLAVUSa520391F_probeseqs.txt" )


    filename <- list.files( pattern = "probeseqs.txt" )

gave me a working probe package for the first time. I hope this helps

David Jacoby    jacoby at purdue.edu
  Purdue Genomics Facility
  S049, WSLR building
  Phone: hah!

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