[BioC] ABPkgBuilder error: unable to find an inherited method for function "baseFile<-"

Martin Kircher kirmar at mpi-inf.mpg.de
Thu Jan 11 11:43:47 CET 2007


I try to use the ABPkgBuilder method in the AnnBuilder library. After 
trying it with my one data without success, I used the example given in 
the vignette 
and in the help for ABPkgBuilder with the same result.


myBase <- file.path(.path.package("AnnBuilder"), "data", "thgu95a")
myBaseType <- "gb"

mySrcUrls <- c(LL = 
 UG = "http://www.bioconductor.org/datafiles/wwwsources/Ths.data.gz",
 GO = "http://www.bioconductor.org/datafiles/wwwsources/Tgo.xml")

myOtherSrc <- c(srcone = file.path(.path.package("AnnBuilder"),
 "data", "srca"), srctwo = file.path(.path.package("AnnBuilder"),
 "data", "srcb"))

myDir <- tempdir()

ABPkgBuilder(baseName = myBase, srcUrls = mySrcUrls, baseMapType = 
 otherSrc = myOtherSrc, pkgName = "myPkg", pkgPath = myDir,
 organism = "Homo sapiens", version = "1.1.0", author = list(authors = 
 maintainer = "myname at myemail.com"), fromWeb = TRUE)

I result with the following error, which I do not understand:

# # # # # # # # # # # # #
Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable)  :
        unable to find an inherited method for function "baseFile<-", 
for signature "NULL"
# # # # # # # # # # # # #

I am using R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)  and Bioconductor 0.9... The 
libraries mentioned in the vignette, I have installed in the following 
"AnnBuilder"  "1.12.0", "RSQLite" "0.4-18", "DBI" "0.1-12", "annotate" 
"1.12.1", "XML" "1.4-1", "Biobase" "1.12.2"

I also got an error testing this with R 2.2.0 and Bioconductor 0.8 on a 
different machine and platform... Both systems came up with a message 
containing "baseFile<-"...

It would be great, if someone could help me! Thanks in advance!

Martin Kircher

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