Wolfgang Huber huber at ebi.ac.uk
Tue Jul 10 11:21:34 CEST 2007

Dear Michaela,

see below what Tim Rayner writes. Maybe they can soon provide some
beta-test files?

Michaela, if you are going to produce a package that imports MAGE-TAB
into eSets/ExpressionSets, please consider contributing it to
Bioconductor and/or staying in touch with us, in order to avoid
unnecessary duplication.

 Bw Wolfgang

-------- Messaggio Originale  --------
Oggetto: Re: [Fwd: Re: [BioC] RMAGEML and JVM]
Data: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 10:11:33 +0100 (BST)
Da: Tim Rayner <rayner at ebi.ac.uk>

Hi Wolfgang,

The MAGE-TAB format is now supported as a submission format to
ArrayExpress, and we're putting the finishing touches to the MAGE-TAB
export from our database, so that all the experiments in AE will soon be
available in the new format on our FTP site. We've released a parser and
validator for MAGE-TAB, written in Perl, as part of the Tab2MAGE project
on SourceForge: http://tab2mage.sf.net/ . I believe that there is an
effort underway to provide MAGE-TAB support for Bioconductor, but I must
admit I don't know the status of that. I think it may be dependent on
the developers having a set of test documents to work with, which we've
been thinking would come from the aforementioned database export. I'm
CCing Helen (currently attending a meeting in DC) in case she knows more
about the Bioconductor development work.


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