[BioC] Error loading tcltk for tkWidgets and widgetTools on duo Intel Mac under OS X

Alex alexh at gmx.net
Thu Jul 12 18:06:59 CEST 2007

Michael Parisi <mparisi at ...> writes:

> I recently got a duo Intel Mac OSX and loaded many Bioconductor packages 
> that I had been using along with R 2.5.1.  All of the packages load and 
> work except for tcltk, tkWidgets, ruuid, graph and GOstats.  I get the 
> same error as posted previously about tcltk and tkWidgets (last on Sep 
> 19, 2006):


i encountered a similiar error with tcltk. Acutally theres nothing wrong 
with tcltk but X11R6 is missing and you have to install it from the cds 
that came with your mac.




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