[BioC] Illumina beadlevel expression data

Matt Ritchie Matt.Ritchie at cancer.org.uk
Fri Nov 16 11:55:07 CET 2007

Dear Ina,

I'd suggest that you use the values in the text files (useImages=FALSE) as
these look reasonable, whereas the ones obtained from redoing the image
analysis look strange.  The values in the text file are already background
corrected (foreground - background).

As I mentioned in previous emails, if you send me the data off-list, I can
take a closer look to try and work out what is going on.

Best wishes,


On 15/11/07 23:39, "Ina Hoeschele" <inah at vt.edu> wrote:

> Matt Ritchie wrote:
>> Dear Ina,
>> I'm sorry to say that I haven't seen values like this before, and the X and
>> Y coordinates don't look unusual.  I have 2 further suggestions...
>> 1.  Try running readIllumina with useImages=FALSE to see the values BeadScan
>> calculated for each bead.  Are they also negative?  Note that these will be
>> background corrected, so Gb will be set to 0 in BLData.
> those values are different but still look strange to me (were they
> computed using the subtract or minimum method for background
> correction?) - here they are:
>> BLData[[1]][1:10,]
>    ProbeID   G Gb      GrnX      GrnY
> 1    10008  56  0 1556.7592 13526.200
> 2    10008  46  0 1713.2862 17711.700
> 3    10008   4  0   45.9317  6676.658
> 4    10008  37  0 1401.8142  2153.181
> 5    10008  48  0 2078.2252 15974.100
> 6    10008  65  0 1193.8842  8654.250
> 7    10008 129  0   45.0026 13990.970
> 8    10008  63  0  542.1487 14834.780
> 9    10008  24  0 1341.1462 13791.170
> 10   10008  45  0 1312.7072  7549.003
>> BLData[[1]][300000:300010,]
>        ProbeID  G Gb      GrnX      GrnY
> 300000 2140131  4  0 1258.9752 17301.580
> 300001 2140131  4  0  398.1137  6108.199
> 300002 2140131  0  0 2094.6222 16298.300
> 300003 2140131  3  0  642.9227  2094.740
> 300004 2140131  0  0 1352.2322  6294.191
> 300005 2140131 -1  0 1104.5312 14069.740
> 300006 2140131 22  0  963.8952  9653.909
> 300007 2140131  2  0  161.5619 14317.910
> 300008 2140131  0  0 1515.5492 13932.460
> 300009 2140131  0  0 1934.0542 15118.710
> 300010 2140131 -1  0  177.0217 16717.080
>> 2.  Upgrade to R 2.6.0 and beadarray 1.6.0 (the C code in readIllumina
>> changed recently).  Do you still see strange values?  In future emails, it
>> would be helpful to include the output from sessionInfo().
> I did upgrade to R-2.6.0 and beadarray 1.6.0  and I am getting the exact
> same strange values! Here is the output from sessionInfo().
>> sessionInfo()
> R version 2.6.0 (2007-10-03)
> i386-pc-mingw32
> locale:
> LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
> States.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_United
> States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
> attached base packages:
> [1] tools     stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods
> [8] base    
> other attached packages:
>  [1] beadarray_1.6.0      affy_1.16.0          preprocessCore_1.0.0
>  [4] affyio_1.6.1         geneplotter_1.16.0   lattice_0.16-5
>  [7] annotate_1.16.1      xtable_1.5-2         AnnotationDbi_1.0.6
> [10] RSQLite_0.6-4        DBI_0.2-4            Biobase_1.16.1
> [13] limma_2.12.0
> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] grid_2.6.0         KernSmooth_2.22-21 RColorBrewer_1.0-2
>> If this doesn't uncover anything, perhaps you can send me the data off list
>> so that I can take a closer look.
>> Best wishes,
>> Matt
>> On 15/11/07 15:10, "Ina Hoeschele" <inah at vt.edu> wrote:
>>> Thank you, Matt.
>>> Matt Ritchie wrote:
>>>> Hi Ina,
>>>> What version of beadarray are you using?  In older versions funny
>>>> background
>>>> values have been reported on some operating systems - this should be fixed
>>>> on the release version though (beadarray 1.6.0 available on R-2.6.0).
>>> I am using R-2.5.1 (not sure what version of beadarray), which is still
>>> the current released version. Do I have to go to R-2.6.0?
>>>> The first beads in BLData are typically ones which could not be decoded
>>>> properly (ProbeIDs 0).  If these beads are too close to the edge of an
>>>> image, or off the image, then zero foreground or background intensities may
>>>> occur.  Check the X (GrnX) and Y (GrnY) coordinates for these beads - any
>>>> with negative values are off the image, and cannot be quantified.
>>>> BLData[[1]][1:10,]
>>> I have a total of 319952 beads. So I printed the information for the
>>> first 10 and for 10 others towards the end. Even for the first 10 beads
>>> the GrnX and GrnY are not negative. Here it is.
>>>>  BLData[[1]][1:10,]
>>>    ProbeID          G Gb      GrnX      GrnY
>>> 1    10008  0.0000000  0 1556.7592 13526.200
>>> 2    10008  2.5249867  0 1713.2862 17711.700
>>> 3    10008 -0.0359710  0   45.9317  6676.658
>>> 4    10008  0.0000000  0 1401.8142  2153.181
>>> 5    10008  0.0000000  0 2078.2252 15974.100
>>> 6    10008 -6.8111267  0 1193.8842  8654.250
>>> 7    10008  0.0000000  0   45.0026 13990.970
>>> 8    10008 77.2345222  0  542.1487 14834.780
>>> 9    10008 -0.8237067  0 1341.1462 13791.170
>>> 10   10008 -0.2324444  0 1312.7072  7549.003
>>>>  BLData[[1]][300000:300010,]
>>>        ProbeID           G Gb      GrnX      GrnY
>>> 300000 2140131  0.00000000  0 1258.9752 17301.580
>>> 300001 2140131 -0.24859133  0  398.1137  6108.199
>>> 300002 2140131 -0.07388444  0 2094.6222 16298.300
>>> 300003 2140131  0.00000000  0  642.9227  2094.740
>>> 300004 2140131 11.67171933  0 1352.2322  6294.191
>>> 300005 2140131  0.00000000  0 1104.5312 14069.740
>>> 300006 2140131 -0.15372500  0  963.8952  9653.909
>>> 300007 2140131  0.00000000  0  161.5619 14317.910
>>> 300008 2140131 -0.08331556  0 1515.5492 13932.460
>>> 300009 2140131  0.61296444  0 1934.0542 15118.710
>>> 300010 2140131  0.00000000  0  177.0217 16717.080
>>>> If this doesn't shed any light, perhaps you can put the .tif and .txt files
>>>> from the strip online so that I can take a closer look.
>>> I'll do that next if you don't have any other suggestions.
>>> Many thanks for your time.
>>> Ina
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Matt
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>    I am new to the analysis of Illumina beadlevel expression data. I
>>>>> have data from a collaborator and have started to work with the data on
>>>>> the first Beadchip (with 12 arrays or strips).  These are single channel
>>>>> data. I am using the beadarray package.  I read the data in as follows:
>>>>> BLData <- 
>>>>> readIllumina(textType=".txt",useImages=TRUE,singleChannel=TRUE,imageManipu
>>>>> la
>>>>> ti
>>>>> on="sharpen",
>>>>> backgroundSize=17,storeXY=TRUE,metrics=FALSE,backgroundMethod="none",offse
>>>>> t=
>>>>> 0,
>>>>> normalizeMethod="none")
>>>>> Note: above I'm doing NO background correction and note that I use
>>>>> backgroundSize=17.
>>>>> Then I looked at the data:
>>>>> an <- arrayNames(BLData)
>>>>> BLData at beadData[[an[1]]]$G[1:10]
>>>>>  [1]  0.0000000  2.5249867 -0.0359710  0.0000000  0.0000000 -6.8111267
>>>>>  [7]  0.0000000 77.2345222 -0.8237067 -0.2324444
>>>>> BLData at beadData[[an[1]]]$Gb[1:10]
>>>>>  [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
>>>>> so I get quite a few G intensities that are zero and ALL of my
>>>>> background intensities are zero - why is that ?????
>>>>> Then I created BLData with backgroundSize=4 and backgroundSize=40 (not
>>>>> knowing what value I should be using ?????). For backgroundSize=4, I
>>>>> find that
>>>>> BLData at beadData[[an[1]]]$Gb[1:100]
>>>>>   [1] -1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
>>>>> 0  0  0
>>>>>  [26]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  2  0
>>>>> 0  0  0
>>>>>  [51]  0  0 24  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
>>>>> 0  0  0
>>>>>  [76]  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 19  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
>>>>> 0  0  0
>>>>> so now I still have many zero Gb values, but also some nonzero ones and
>>>>> even negative (-1)???
>>>>> But when I use backgroundSize=40, then R crashes (repeatedly).
>>>>> And when I create BLData with backgroundMethod="minimum" and
>>>>> backgroundSize=17, then I find the following G intensities:
>>>>> BLData at beadData[[an[1]]]$G[1:10]
>>>>>  [1] 2.425286e-12 2.524987e+00 2.425286e-12 2.425286e-12 2.425286e-12
>>>>> 2.425286e-12 2.425286e-12 7.723452e+01 2.425286e-12
>>>>> [10] 2.425286e-12
>>>>> These G and Gb values all look suspect to me - can someone please help?
>>>>> Many thanks, Ina

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