[BioC] Limma - replicate Fold change values - rank product analysis

Neel Aluru naluru at whoi.edu
Fri Dec 11 03:45:38 CET 2009


I am hoping someone will be able to help me with this. I am analyzing the two color common reference design agilent arrays using Limma. I have four replicates and two treatments(control and PCB). I am trying to extract fold change values (PCB/control) for the four replicates separately. lmfit() command after normalizing between arrays is pooling all the samples and I get one fold change value. Is there anyway I can get the values for individual replicates separtely? I want to use the replicate values in Rank Product analysis. Any help will be really helpful.

 Sorry for bothering everyone with my questions. I have made a lot of progress since I started using this package and it is mainly due to this mailing list. 
Sincerely, Neel

Neel Aluru
Postdoctoral Scholar
Biology Department
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA 02543

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