[BioC] rtracklayer GraphTrackLine

Dario Strbenac D.Strbenac at garvan.org.au
Tue May 11 10:18:59 CEST 2010

Thanks, I'm happy to use either way.

Just 1 more question, I now tried to do a simple example with just 1 bigWig because it was running slowly, and my example is :

session <- browserSession("UCSC")
track1 <- import("", selection = GenomicSelection("hg18", colnames = "score")) # Using ver. 1.8.1 still.
track1 <- as(track1, "UCSCData")
track(session, "Bre12 P3", priority = 1, viewLimits = c(0, 10), color = as(col2rgb("green"), "integer")) <- track1

The actual .bw is only 438 Mb, so I'm curious about the resource (memory) usage ?

 PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND            
10572 darstr    20   0 9375m 9.1g 4876 S    0 57.7  15:26.58 R      

It's also curious that processing has stopped at this stage (i.e. I didn't get the > prompt yet), because the hard drive is hardly swapping, and I can open another R session that goes at 100% CPU (it's run on an 8 core computer).

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