[BioC] graph/graphNEL: edge properties from edge name

Gustavo Lacerda gusb at optimizelife.com
Wed May 19 01:51:56 CEST 2010


I would like to easily query the weight (or label) of an edge given its name.

e.g. suppose I have a graph 'g' whose nodes are labeled A1, A2, ...
I want to do something like: getEdge(g, "A1~A3")$weight

Any suggestions?

The best I can do at the moment is the code below, but I don't find it
very elegant that I need to do [[1]], and I don't like to reinvent the
wheel. Is there a standard function I can use?


parseTilde <- function(s)  unlist(strsplit(s,"~"))

getEdgeWeight <- function(g, edgeName){
  nodePair <- parseTilde(edgeName)
  edgeData(g, from=nodePair[1], to=nodePair[2])[[1]]$weight

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