[BioC] names of edges in graph classes

Paul Shannon pshannon at systemsbiology.org
Wed Jan 5 03:13:36 CET 2011

I notice that edges appear to be named in two different ways:

> edgeNames (g) [1:2]
 [1] "1~2" "1~3"

> names (edgeData (g)) [1:2]
 [1] "1|2" "1|3"

Does this different choice for separator character -- tilde in one case, vertical bar in the other -- convey some meaning it would behoove me to understand? Or is it perhaps an accidental difference?

A drawback to the current approach is that edgeNames (e.g., "1~2") cannot be used to index into edgeData:

> edgeData (g) [["1|2"]]   # this works
   [1] "cluster"
   [1] 1

> edgeData (g) [["1~2"]]  # this doesn't


- Paul

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