[BioC] time series, normalize on time 0

andrea.grilli at ior.it andrea.grilli at ior.it
Thu Jul 21 17:30:42 CEST 2011

I have Affymetrix gene chip data from time course experiment with 2  
different cell lines, 4 time points ("day0", "day7", "day14",  
"day21"), 2 replicates at each time.

I want to "normalize" each probe at times "day7", "day14", "day21" on  
its expression at time "day0"; following step would be the use of  
linear models to identify D.E. probes in cell line A vs cell line B at  
each time point.

Any idea on how to perform this analysis? Do you know if I can manage  
eset objects in limma package in this way?

Thank you in advance,

Dr. Andrea Grilli
andrea.grilli at ior.it
phone 051/63.66.756

Laboratory of Experimental Oncology
Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute
Codivilla Putti Research Center
via di Barbiano 1/10
40136 - Bologna - Italy

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