[BioC] Use of createSimpleBimap

Mark Dunning mark.dunning at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 18:02:26 CET 2011

Hi all,

I am interested in adding some custom fields to my existing illumina
annotation packages (basically extra information that we have gathered
by re-annotating the probes). I have already created sqlite objects
for the new data I intend to add. I thought that the createSimpleBimap
function in AnnotationDbi might be an easy way to achieve this.
However, I'm a little confused by the example in the SQLForge

 hgu95av2NAMESYMBOL <-

This example runs fine, but I'm struggling trying to work out what is
going on. Specifically, what is 'gene_info' are where does it get
these data from? My guess was that it would be a table somewhere in
the datacache object but it doesn't appear in the listing

> tmpcon = get("dbconn", hgu95av2.db:::datacache)
> dbListTables(tmpcon)
[1] "accessions"   "map_counts"   "map_metadata" "metadata"     "probes"
[6] "sqlite_stat1"



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