[BioC] What is the difference of layout between genepix scanner & agilent scanner

이선재 sjlee at biosoft.kaist.ac.kr
Thu Oct 20 07:25:40 CEST 2011

Hi all,

I am wondering what is the difference of layout between genepix scanner
& agilent scanner?
(e.g., MAList object in limma package has "printer" attribute. But it
stores different output when I used different scanners )

If I have a chip of same platform and two different scanner, output of
this chip is different when we used different types of scanner.

Please let me know.

Thanks in advance.


Sunjae LEE

Sunjae LEE
Ph.D. candidate, BISL, Dept. of Bio and Brain engineering, KAIST
335-Gwahangno, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Republic of Korea
TEL +82-42-350-4353
(cell.) +82-10-3090-9050

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