[BioC] Help with comparisons of lists of fold changes

David martin vilanew at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 16:51:58 CEST 2011

I have done an RT-PCR experiment from which i have calculated fold 
changes when comparing the expression of several genes in healthy vs 

In  a second independent experiment i have done the same so that i get 
again a list of fold changes

healthy  vs diseaseA (fold changes exp1)	healthy  vs diseaseA (fold 
changes exp2)
geneA 2	1.5
geneB 1.5	1.4
geneC 2.5	2.8
geneD 5	1.5
geneE 1.8	1.9
geneF 1.5	1.4
geneG 1.4	1.3

For geneD I have 5 fold changes in one experiment  and 1.5 fold changes 
in another expermient. Is there any stasticial method to see if the 
difference between the two fold changes is significant for geneD ?  any 
pvalue ?


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