[BioC] error when running paCalls

marco hardstars26 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 16:31:10 CEST 2011

Hello Everyone
     i used the function paCalls in package oligo to calculated
detection pvalue for human gene 1.0 ST array at probeset level but
fail with the error message:
     "error in log(paCalls(x,method="DABG",verbose=FALSE))
      mathematical function used non-numeric parameter".( message was
translated from Chinese)
    my data is GSE16558 on GEO. Package ff was loaded.
    both read.celfiles() and rma() work fine.
    i used paCalls by paCalls(geneExp,method="PSDABG")
   Could you please give a hand?
   Thanks a lot!!

Lin Pei

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