[BioC] get chr position for a batch of human SNPs

shirley zhang shirley0818 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 20:29:51 CEST 2011

Dear All,

I am planing to map the SNPids to hg18 positions (chr and position)
for a huge list of human snps. I've tried the package
"SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20090506" and have 2 questions regarding this

1. Do the SNPs in this package map the hg18 genome (NCBI Build 36.3
with Group Label "reference" instead of "Celera" or "HuRef"?

2. If I don't know the chr information (seqname), can I obtain the
position with dbSNP Id only?

Further, I find dbSNP batch queries a little more difficult to work
with because they map to different versions of the hg18 like Celera,
HumanRef, etc.Can anybody let me know a better option to get hg18 chr
position with the most popular or confident version of dbSNP?

Thanks in advance

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