[BioC] Z-Score Calculation for hgu133plus2 affymetrix microarray.

Murtuza Zair mzair at uhnresearch.ca
Fri Feb 3 23:18:48 CET 2012

I am trying to replicate the data on biogps.com of the Z-score. They 
explain the source of how they calculated it. However, I am not familiar 
with RGUI and have been struggling to run the following code...

6. Read in the data and preprocess using the default options.
 > library(frmaExampleData)
 > data(AffyBatchExample)
 > object <- frma(AffyBatchExample)
7. Create a gene expression barcode.
 > bc <- barcode(object)

I have gotten to the point of data(bcparams).. which runs fine...

However, object <- frma(bcparams) ... I get an error message...

"Error in frma(bcparams) :
   object must be of class AffyBatch or ExonFeatureSet"

Please help with this step... as well, I am not interested in the 
barcode but the z-score... how would I output this...

Thank you.

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