[BioC] Agilent arrays 2- or 1-color?

Assa Yeroslaviz frymor at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 20:49:35 CEST 2012

Hi everybody,

I have a data set of Agilent CGHArray. I would like to know whether
these arrays were made with the two-chanel or one-channel protocol.
When I look at the results from the Agilent FE files, I can see both
g- and r-signals (eg. g(r)BGSubSignal, g(r)Median etc.)
Asking the biologists I was told, that they are interested in the
gBGSubSignal column of the results file. What I understand from that
is, that the experiments ware made as single-channel exp.
Is there something like that - a one-color experiment with a 2-color
hybridization protocol?

What kind of data do one has on the red channel, if this is really is
a 1-channel experiment?

As they also did one array with control (unchanged cell lines), I
really think this is 1-channel arrays. Do you need a separate control
experiments for a two-color arrays?
Is it possible, that the red channel is some kind of a reference
independent of the cell lines?

I would appreciate the help


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