Heidi Dvinge heidi at ebi.ac.uk
Wed Jun 27 23:53:12 CEST 2012

Hi Deborah,

> Good morning Heidi,
> Yes, the order of my samples is different in my qPCRset compared to my
> files_essai$Treatment. Do I have to order them in the same way ?
The order doesn't have to be the same, as long as you make sure you always
remember re-order one of them when you use them both in the same function,
such as the limmaCtData examples you provided last time.

I don't trust myself to always remember such things (or to do it
correctly!), so I always order the samples in the same way ;). But that's
not a requirement.
> And with normalizeCtData I obtained :
>> deltaCtnorm <- normalizeCtData(essai.cat, norm =
>> "deltaCt",deltaCt.genes=  c("gene85", "gene86", "gene87", "gene88",
>> "gene89", "gene90","gene91"))
> Calculating deltaCt values
>         Using control gene(s): gene85 gene86 gene87 gene88 gene89 gene90
> gene91
>         Card 1: Mean=20.93      Stdev=2.74
>         Card 2: Mean=21.58      Stdev=2.73
>         Card 3: Mean=21.73      Stdev=2.81
>         Card 4: Mean=20.96      Stdev=2.73
>         Card 5: Mean=21.69      Stdev=2.69
>         Card 6: Mean=21.73      Stdev=2.83
> I chose this method because my director gave me a file where he has chosen
> only seven housekeeper genes on the eight (one of them has different Cp
> results in almost each sample) so I did the same thing.
In this case the values of all these housekeepers do look robust across
your samples, although the Ct values are higher than for typical
housekeepers such as b-actin. (Which BTW isn't necessarily a bad thing).
So as long as you/your boss is happy with it, I guess that's fine.

> And about the other normalization methods, I tried them only for seeing
> the difference between them.
> I did :
>>plot(exprs(essai),exprs(essai_g.mean),pch=20,main="Normalisation avec
>> geometric.mean",col=rep(brewer.pal(6,"Spectral"),each=96))
>>plot(exprs(essai),exprs(essai_scale.rank),pch=20,main="Normalisation avec
>> scale.rankinvariant", col=rep(brewer.pal(6,"Spectral"), each=96))
>>plot(exprs(essai),exprs(essai_deltaCt),pch=20,main="Normalisation avec
>> deltaCt",col=rep(brewer.pal(6,"Spectral"),each=96))
>>plot(exprs(essai),exprs(essai_q.norm),pch=20,main="Normalisation avec
>> quantile",col=rep(brewer.pal(6,"Spectral"),each=96))
>>plot(exprs(essai),exprs(essai_norm.rank),pch=20,main="Normalisation avec
>> norm.rankinvariant", col=rep(brewer.pal(6,"Spectral"), each=96))
In your case you have relatively few genes (96), which may not be quite
enough for some of the methods. If the deltaCt-normalised data doesn't
look too discrepant from all the other methods you're probably fine.

> And then I wanted to compare only one of the sample as your example and I
> used abline() but it didn't work.
> I did'nt get error message but there was only one plot. I also changed the
> xlim value...
Well, you only use one plot() command, hence only one plot gets produced.
Do you perhaps want to add data from multiple objects using points()?


> About the p.value, I tried to plot them as you had suggest me to do.
> Here are the p.values of each test.
>> MWTEST<-read.csv("essai_3h_CT_mwest1.csv", sep = ";",
>> dec=",",header=TRUE)
>> MWTEST$p.value
>  [1] 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781 1.0000000 0.2452781 1.0000000 0.2452781
> 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781
> 0.2452781
> [16] 0.2452781 1.0000000 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.6985354 0.2452781 0.2452781
> 0.2452781 0.6985354 0.2452781 0.6985354 0.2452781 0.6985354 0.2452781
> 0.2452781
> [31] 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781
> 0.2452781 0.2452781 1.0000000 0.2452781 1.0000000 0.2452781 0.2452781
> 0.2452781
> [46] 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781 1.0000000 0.2452781 0.6985354 0.2452781
> 0.6985354 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781 1.0000000
> 0.2452781
> [61] 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781 1.0000000 0.2452781
> 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.6985354 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781
> 0.2452781
> [76] 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781 0.2452781 1.0000000 0.2452781 0.2452781
> 0.2452781 0.2452781
>> TTEST<-read.csv("essai_3h_CT_ttestFINAL.csv",sep=";",dec=",")
>> TTEST$p.value
>  [1] 0.0000445916 0.0007203397 0.0011614062 0.0013499661 0.0021628924
> 0.0026335148 0.0028568178 0.0031900227 0.0047685877 0.0048604855
> 0.0058520334
> [12] 0.0061487450 0.0101863324 0.0101863324 0.0101863324 0.0101863324
> 0.0101863324 0.0101863324 0.0101863324 0.0101863324 0.0118721483
> 0.0130066108
> [23] 0.0166399589 0.0169334479 0.0170523949 0.0209596603 0.0364914159
> 0.0411074450 0.0427607922 0.0448349199 0.0476675408 0.0494563227
> 0.0512518277
> [34] 0.0514256601 0.0572253657 0.0625769920 0.0656449529 0.0797613537
> 0.0804359345 0.0819791697 0.0821601769 0.0909080090 0.0918788852
> 0.0986962901
> [45] 0.0993682993 0.1208709609 0.1261907225 0.1331849915 0.1338834931
> 0.1590798074 0.1611312123 0.1657960803 0.1718536210 0.1844114022
> 0.2035267116
> [56] 0.2092967748 0.2111576859 0.2192894000 0.2223339619 0.2393817321
> 0.2416781885 0.2479843103 0.2570206534 0.2570800840 0.2610404909
> 0.2755461365
> [67] 0.2886380998 0.3133822666 0.4574691996 0.4790123864 0.4963391483
> 0.5780428714 0.5827604076 0.6029711831 0.6738622120 0.6905548966
> 0.7800699292
> [78] 0.8045384637 0.8399336418 0.9347460142 0.9531859762 0.9719743053
> 0.9774759886 0.9934469629
>> LIMMATEST<-read.csv("essai_limmaFINAL.csv",sep=";",dec=",")
>> LIMMATEST$X3h.CT.p.value
>  [1] 4.538818e-01 9.722424e-01 9.681357e-01 1.478327e-02 9.765722e-01
> 1.224899e-01 4.579647e-01 1.035570e-03 6.190137e-02 6.862192e-03
> 1.828032e-02
> [12] 2.354413e-02 2.027634e-01 3.924912e-03 1.245438e-03 9.538478e-07
> 5.915158e-04 2.714424e-01 2.449646e-04 9.943747e-02 8.115928e-02
> 1.014429e-01
> [23] 1.730959e-04 2.283943e-01 4.106429e-02 8.292733e-01 7.384857e-01
> 9.053543e-04 3.031922e-05 4.381594e-02 8.697809e-05 1.730959e-04
> 9.949012e-01
> [34] 3.584419e-03 3.713434e-04 7.691588e-01 1.336464e-01 3.141131e-01
> 3.500428e-02 5.853026e-06 6.234777e-02 1.096195e-01 5.065608e-01
> 1.425943e-02
> [45] 7.720779e-01 2.074906e-05 2.596116e-04 6.080595e-02 6.472036e-01
> 1.730959e-04 6.924510e-05 8.243564e-03 2.010885e-01 9.367344e-01
> 2.535135e-01
> [56] 9.788777e-01 1.730959e-04 6.717992e-02 1.041109e-01 3.951307e-04
> 1.152792e-01 2.552804e-04 8.276034e-01 6.578508e-03 3.226937e-02
> 1.730959e-04
> [67] 1.730959e-04 1.052211e-01 6.826300e-05 1.730959e-04 2.939883e-01
> 1.116254e-02 2.997326e-01 5.701757e-02 2.319393e-03 3.023084e-02
> 8.304573e-01
> [78] 4.892519e-01 6.178556e-01 4.863336e-01 8.506124e-02 1.730959e-04
> 1.380221e-01 7.850957e-03
> So I did :
> par(mfrow=c(1,3))
> plot(LIMMATEST$X3h.CT.p.value,col="green",main="p-value LIMMA")
> plot(TTEST$p.value,col="red",main="p-value Student")
> plot(MWTEST$p.value,col="blue",main="p-value Mann-Whitney")
> Considering the graphs that I obtained, I can say that the p.values don't
> follow a general trend... So there is a real problem somewhere... Is that
> alright ?
I'm sorry for not being clear, I meant plot them against each other. For
example plot(TTEST$p.value, MWTEST$p.value).

> Actually, I have a question about the "Summary" component of the
> limmaCtData : how do it do to calculate if it is up- or down-regulation ?
> Because when I calculated the expression (2^ddCt) of the gene18, I
> obtained expression = 11.41.
> So the gene18 is up-regulated whereas in the "Summary" there is no change.
> Is there a link between the "Summary" and the expression ?
In Summary, -1/0/1 should correspond to down-regulation/no
difference/up-regulation respectively.

The summary is linked to the expression, but it requires that the change
in expression is statistically significant at p<0.05. Otherwise it's just
"0" in the output.


> Thank you again for your help and your advice,
> Deborah.

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