[BioC] affycoretools()

Guest [guest] guest at bioconductor.org
Wed Nov 21 16:34:03 CET 2012

The legend is not plotting for the 3d PCA plot in affycoretools(). From the documentation it says the legend boolean defaults to TRUE, but no legend prints even after I explicitly set the legend boolean to TRUE.

Any suggestions on getting the legend to print?

I have installed and loaded rgl().

Also, the addtext parameter is not working either. It does not add the sample names as I have specified.

Here is my command:

plotPCA(expset, pcs=c(1,2,3), plot3d=TRUE, addtext=sampleNames(eset), group = eset$GroupNumber, groupnames=levels(treatment.factors), legend=TRUE)

 -- output of sessionInfo(): 

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit)

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] grid      stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] rgl_0.92.894                         affycoretools_1.30.0                 KEGG.db_2.8.0                       
 [4] GO.db_2.8.0                          gplots_2.11.0                        MASS_7.3-22                         
 [7] KernSmooth_2.23-8                    caTools_1.13                         bitops_1.0-4.2                      
[10] gdata_2.12.0                         gtools_2.7.0                         VennDiagram_1.5.1                   
[13] hugene10sttranscriptcluster.db_8.0.1 org.Hs.eg.db_2.8.0                   BiocInstaller_1.8.3                 
[16] mogene10sttranscriptcluster.db_8.0.1 org.Mm.eg.db_2.8.0                   RSQLite_0.11.2                      
[19] DBI_0.2-5                            limma_3.14.1                         hugene10stv1cdf_2.11.0              
[22] AnnotationDbi_1.20.3                 affy_1.36.0                          Biobase_2.18.0                      
[25] BiocGenerics_0.4.0                  

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] affyio_1.26.0         annaffy_1.30.0        annotate_1.36.0       AnnotationForge_1.0.2 biomaRt_2.14.0       
 [6] Biostrings_2.26.2     Category_2.24.0       gcrma_2.30.0          genefilter_1.40.0     GOstats_2.24.0       
[11] graph_1.36.1          GSEABase_1.20.0       IRanges_1.16.4        lattice_0.20-10       parallel_2.15.1      
[16] preprocessCore_1.20.0 RBGL_1.34.0           RCurl_1.95-3          splines_2.15.1        stats4_2.15.1        
[21] survival_2.36-14      tools_2.15.1          XML_3.95-0.1          xtable_1.7-0          zlibbioc_1.4.0       

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