[BioC] [ggbio+GenomicRanges] auto-plotting GRanges in R-devel fails

Paul Theodor Pyl paul.theodor.pyl at embl.de
Thu Nov 29 09:48:30 CET 2012

Hi all,

I observe the following behaviour in my R-devel when I try to autoplot a 
GRanges with ggbio:

 > library(ggbio)
 > library(GenomicRanges)
 > autoplot( GRanges( Rle("10",1), ranges=IRanges( start = 1000, 
width=110 ) ) )
Error in start(range(object, ignore.strand = TRUE)) :
   error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for 
function 'start': Error in .local(o\
bject, ...) :
   could not find function "unsafe.update.GRanges"
 > sessionInfo()
R Under development (unstable) (2012-11-28 r61176)
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)

  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C
  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8
  [7] LC_PAPER=C                 LC_NAME=C
  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C

attached base packages:
[1] parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods
[8] base

other attached packages:
[1] BiocInstaller_1.9.4   ggbio_1.7.6 ggplot2_0.9.2.1
[4] GenomicRanges_1.11.15 IRanges_1.17.15 BiocGenerics_0.5.1

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] AnnotationDbi_1.21.7     Biobase_2.19.1 biomaRt_2.15.0
  [4] Biostrings_2.27.7        biovizBase_1.7.2 bitops_1.0-5
  [7] BSgenome_1.27.1          cluster_1.14.3 colorspace_1.2-0
[10] compiler_2.16.0          DBI_0.2-5 dichromat_1.2-4
[13] digest_0.6.0             GenomicFeatures_1.11.5 grid_2.16.0
[16] gridExtra_0.9.1          gtable_0.1.1 Hmisc_3.10-1
[19] labeling_0.1             lattice_0.20-10 MASS_7.3-22
[22] memoise_0.1              munsell_0.4 plyr_1.7.1
[25] proto_0.3-9.2            RColorBrewer_1.0-5 RCurl_1.95-3
[28] reshape2_1.2.1           Rsamtools_1.11.11 RSQLite_0.11.2
[31] rtracklayer_1.19.6       scales_0.2.2 stats4_2.16.0
[34] stringr_0.6.1            tools_2.16.0 VariantAnnotation_1.5.17
[37] XML_3.95-0.1             zlibbioc_1.5.0


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