[BioC] Doubt RCytoscape

Paul Shannon pshannon at fhcrc.org
Fri Apr 26 22:17:13 CEST 2013

Hi Ricardo,

RCytoscape does not yet support anything but scalar node and edge attributes.
But Cytoscape allows you to import attributes which are lists, as described here:


Will this solve your problem?  

 - Paul

> I'm exporting graph from R to cytoscape, and then importing attribute
> tables. In my problem each node has a set of attributes, but this
> attributes will be ideally displayed as in
> http://labpib.fmrp.usp.br/~rsilva/fabien/rattus.html
>  304.239771238418 w hydroxy testosterone
>                                6 beta hydroxy testosterone
>                                 epiandrosterone
> where each node (a mass) maps to various compounds. If I repeat the node id
> for all lines of attributes cytoscape picks only the last, is there a way
> to display all repeated attribute lines for the same node?
> Ricardo

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