[BioC] RankProd Result for One Class Analysis

Dario Strbenac dstr7320 at uni.sydney.edu.au
Fri Aug 23 09:00:21 CEST 2013

If I have a matrix of only a single class, why do the results seem to have two sets of values for two different classes ?

> ncol(aMatrix)
[1] 3
> RPanalysis <- RP(data = aMatrix, cl = rep(1, 3), num.perm = 1000)
> head(RPanalysis[[1]])
  class1 < class2 class1 > class 2
1       0.8730351        0.9438351
2       0.8708771        0.9556519
3       0.8579349        0.9439297
4       0.9870283        1.2435040
5       0.8855495        1.1302624
6       0.8874949        0.9434583

Even the progress message says "Rank Product analysis for one-class case". The vignette gives an example of creating an RP object for a single class, so I'm sure that the program should work correctly for ranking genes in a single class.

Dario Strbenac
PhD Student
University of Sydney
Camperdown NSW 2050

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