[BioC] Question: GSVA error

Robert Castelo robert.castelo at upf.edu
Thu Feb 7 14:46:55 CET 2013


On 02/07/2013 12:55 PM, chuanbao wrote:
> Thanks, Robert.
> Comments below as well.
> At  2013-02-07  18:27:38,"Robert  Castelo"  <robert.castelo at upf.edu>  wrote:
>>hi  Chuanbao,
>>comments  below,
>>On  02/07/2013  03:06  AM,  chuanbao  wrote:
>>>  Thanks,  Robert.  I'm  trying  to  reply  the  email  directly  instead  of  using
>>>  the  Guest  Posting.
>>>  the  same  error  also  came  up  if  I  used  the  example  data.  So  I  think  the
>>>  error  has  nothing  to  do  with  the  data.  Here  is  the  result  of  the  3
>>>  commands  if  I  use  my  own  data.
>>this  is  strange,  because  the  package  builds  correctly  in  the  BioC
>>servers  for  linux,  windows  and  mac,  which  includes  running  the
>>vignettes.  could  you  write  to  me  here  the  code  snippet  from  the  vignette
>>that  does  not  run  in  your  system?
> Sorry, I don't exactly know the problem. The code snippet? the error only come up if I use the command GSVA in the end. Nothing error messages before that.

in general with this and any other package that prompts an error it is 
useful to post in the message piece of code that allows the package 
maintainer (in this case, me) to reproduce the error in the maintainer's 
computer. you can find this and other useful guidelines in the 
bioconductor posting guide at


your description of the problem as

"the error only come up if I use the command GSVA in the end. Nothing 
error messages before that."

does not allow me to find out what can possibly be going wrong. i need 
from you the lines of R that you put in your system and give the error. 
however, the output of your sessionInfo() below has given me some clue, 
so before you paste any code now, you have to do some step beforehand, 
please keep reading..

>>>    >  dim(expr)
>>>  [1]  19416  47
>>>    >  expr[1:5,  1:5]
>>>  X11  X124  X126  X168  X172
>>>  BCL2L13  -0.2728815  -0.3151436  0.2537942  -0.04622459  -0.1697597
>>>  SFRS13B  1.4056368  0.1155653  -0.2734718  -1.69556520  -0.3463836
>>>  HCP5  -0.7666955  -0.2999439  -0.2891264  1.39690780  0.2029056
>>>  FAM104B  0.6052895  0.2365847  -0.3497281  -0.15993309  -0.1223259
>>>  UBE2T  -0.3321409  -0.0476532  -0.1204028  -1.36906810  0.7174168
>>>    >  genesets
>>>  [[1]]
>>>  [10]  ADORA2B  ELOVL2  FGFR3  TMEM51
>>>  27  Levels:  ADORA2B  AGPAT4  APP  ASNS  ATP1A1  BCAT1  BTG1  CHRDL1  CORO1C  ...
>>>  TMEM51
>>>  [[2]]
>>>  [11]  CORO1C  PAK3  GPR85  APP
>>>  27  Levels:  ADORA2B  AGPAT4  APP  ASNS  ATP1A1  BCAT1  BTG1  CHRDL1  CORO1C  ...
>>>  TMEM51
>>i  see  that  the  gene  symbols  in  the  genesets  are  stored  as  factors,  could
>>you  translate  them  into  character  strings?  i.e.
>>genesets  <-  lapply(genesets,  as.character)
>>and  try  again?
> I tried, same problem~~
>>a  further  fundamental  piece  of  information  i  was  already  requesting
>>below,  please  can  you  paste  the  output  of
>>  sessionInfo()
> R version 2.13.2 (2011-09-30)
> Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)
> locale:
> [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252
> [2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252
> [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
> [5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
> attached base packages:
> [1] grid      stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods
> [8] base
> other attached packages:
>   [1] GSVA_1.0.1           Rgraphviz_1.30.1     RBGL_1.28.0
>   [4] RColorBrewer_1.0-5   limma_3.8.3          genefilter_1.34.0
>   [7] GSVAdata_0.99.0      hgu95a.db_2.5.0      org.Hs.eg.db_2.5.0
> [10] RSQLite_0.11.1       DBI_0.2-5            GSEABase_1.14.0
> [13] graph_1.30.0         annotate_1.30.1      AnnotationDbi_1.14.1
> [16] Biobase_2.12.2
> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] splines_2.13.2  survival_2.36-9 tools_2.13.2    XML_3.4-2.2
> [5] xtable_1.7-0

ok, so here might be the problem, you're not using the current release 
version of R with the current release version of Bioconductor packages. 
so my first advice is, please update R and BioC to the current R 2.15.2 
and GSVA 1.6.6.

note that had you paste the sessionInfo() output upfront, you would have 
get this answer already 24 hrs before.

i hope it helps!

>>thanks  for  your  patience,
>>>  Thank  you  .
>>>  Chuanbao
> I hope those details could help. Thanks.
> Chuanbao
>>>  At    2013-02-05    16:02:58,"Robert    Castelo"    <robert.castelo at upf.edu>    wrote:
>>>>Dear    Chuanbao,
>>>>at    the    first    sight    it    looks    like    some    problem    with    the    installation
>>>>and/or    loading    of    the    library,    since    it    contains    some    compiled    C    code
>>>>that    is    not    being    found    when    the    R    code    is    invoking    it.    I    would    need
>>>>more    details    to    try    to    diagnose    your    problem    more    precisely.
>>>>could    you    please:
>>>>1.    a    formal    aspect.    i    see    that    you've    used    the    "Bioconductor    Guest
>>>>Posting"    form,    if    you    use    this    way    to    post    questions    at    the    BioC    list,
>>>>in    future    posts    please    paste    your    question    and    code    in    the    text    box    code
>>>>called    "Question:"
>>>>2.    please    paste    the    output    of    the    R    command    sessionInfo()    in    the    text
>>>>box    entitled    "Paste    the    output    of    the    R    command    sessionInfo()    below:"
>>>>3.    show    me    the    results    of    the    commands:
>>>>dim(expr)    ##    lookup    the    dimension    of    the    expression    data    matrix
>>>>expr[1:5,    1:5]    ##    inspect    the    first    few    cells    of    this    matrix
>>>>genesets    ##    inspect    the    contents    of    the    two    gene    sets
>>>>On    02/05/2013    08:46    AM,    Chuanbao    [guest]    wrote:
>>>>>    I    am    a    new-comer    in    R    and    am    learning    the    Bio    Package    GSVA.    I    get    the    expression    file    and    genesets    from    CSV    files    by    read.csv.    And    when    I    run    GSVA    by    gsva(expr,genesets).    there    is    an    error    message.    That    also    happened    when    I    do    as    the    instructions    (where    there    are    example    data)    tell    (http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/2.11/bioc/vignettes/GSVA/inst/doc/GSVA.pdf)    .
>>>>>    Really    appreciate    your    help~~~
>>>>>            --    output    of    sessionInfo():
>>>>>    library(GSEABase)
>>>>>    library(GSVAdata)
>>>>>    library(Biobase)
>>>>>    library(genefilter)
>>>>>    library(limma)
>>>>>    library(RColorBrewer)
>>>>>    library(RBGL)
>>>>>    library(graph)
>>>>>    library(Rgraphviz)
>>>>>    library(GSVA)
>>>>>    data<-read.csv(file.choose(),head=T)
>>>>>    row.names(data)<-data$Symbol
>>>>>    data<-data[,-1]
>>>>>    expr<-data.matrix(data)
>>>>>    list<-read.csv(file.choose(),head=T)
>>>>>    row.names(list)<-list$Symbol
>>>>>    set1<-list[1:15,1]
>>>>>    set2<-list[16:30,1]
>>>>>    genesets<-list(set1,set2)
>>>>>    genegsva<-gsva(expr,genesets)
>>>>>    Testing    2    gene    sets.
>>>>>    Computing    observed    enrichment    scores
>>>>>    Computing    gene    densities
>>>>>    Error    in    .C("assess_matrix_density_R",    as.double(t(expr[,    sample.idxs])),        :
>>>>>                C    symbol    name    "assess_matrix_density_R"    not    in    load    table
>>>>>    --
>>>>>    Sent    via    the    guest    posting    facility    at    bioconductor.org.
>>>>>    _______________________________________________
>>>>>    Bioconductor    mailing    list
>>>>>    Bioconductor at r-project.org
>>>>>    https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/bioconductor
>>>>>    Search    the    archives:    http://news.gmane.org/gmane.science.biology.informatics.conductor
>>>>Robert    Castelo,    PhD
>>>>Associate    Professor
>>>>Dept.    of    Experimental    and    Health    Sciences
>>>>Universitat    Pompeu    Fabra    (UPF)
>>>>Barcelona    Biomedical    Research    Park    (PRBB)
>>>>Dr    Aiguader    88
>>>>E-08003    Barcelona,    Spain
>>>>telf:    +34.933.160.514
>>>>fax:    +34.933.160.550
>>Robert  Castelo,  PhD
>>Associate  Professor
>>Dept.  of  Experimental  and  Health  Sciences
>>Universitat  Pompeu  Fabra  (UPF)
>>Barcelona  Biomedical  Research  Park  (PRBB)
>>Dr  Aiguader  88
>>E-08003  Barcelona,  Spain
>>telf:  +34.933.160.514
>>fax:  +34.933.160.550

Robert Castelo, PhD
Associate Professor
Dept. of Experimental and Health Sciences
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB)
Dr Aiguader 88
E-08003 Barcelona, Spain
telf: +34.933.160.514
fax: +34.933.160.550

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