[BioC] beadarray - combining swath files

Darren Plant Darren.Plant at manchester.ac.uk
Fri Jun 7 11:47:20 CEST 2013

Dear Mark,
I've managed to get this working. I removed all relevant packages from my R library (e.g. AnnotationDbi, beadarray, BiocGenerics, illuminaHumanv4.db and org.Hs.eg.db) and downloaded afresh. I'd like to say thank you very much for your help and support. I'm extremely grateful for the time you have devoted to helping me with this problem.
Best wishes,

New sessionInfo

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.15.3 (2013-03-01)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.1252    LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                            LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] illuminaHumanv4.db_1.18.0 org.Hs.eg.db_2.9.0        RSQLite_0.11.2            DBI_0.2-5                 AnnotationDbi_1.22.6     
[6] beadarray_2.10.0          ggplot2_0.9.3.1           Biobase_2.18.0            BiocGenerics_0.6.0       

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] AnnotationForge_1.0.3 BeadDataPackR_1.10.0  colorspace_1.2-2      dichromat_2.0-0       digest_0.6.3          grid_2.15.3          
 [7] gtable_0.1.2          IRanges_1.16.6        labeling_0.1          limma_3.14.4          MASS_7.3-23           munsell_0.4          
[13] parallel_2.15.3       plyr_1.8              proto_0.3-10          RColorBrewer_1.0-5    reshape2_1.2.2        scales_0.2.3         
[19] stats4_2.15.3         stringr_0.6.2        

Old sessionInfo
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.15.3 (2013-03-01)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.1252    LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                            LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] illuminaHumanv4.db_1.16.0 org.Hs.eg.db_2.8.0        RSQLite_0.11.2            DBI_0.2-5                 AnnotationDbi_1.20.7
[6] beadarray_2.8.1           ggplot2_0.9.3.1           Biobase_2.18.0            BiocGenerics_0.4.0

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] AnnotationForge_1.0.3 BeadDataPackR_1.10.0  colorspace_1.2-2      dichromat_2.0-0       digest_0.6.3          grid_2.15.3
 [7] gtable_0.1.2          IRanges_1.16.6        labeling_0.1          limma_3.14.4          MASS_7.3-23           munsell_0.4
[13] parallel_2.15.3       plyr_1.8              proto_0.3-10          RColorBrewer_1.0-5    reshape2_1.2.2        scales_0.2.3
[19] stats4_2.15.3         stringr_0.6.2         tools_2.15.3

-----Original Message-----
From: bioconductor-bounces at r-project.org [mailto:bioconductor-bounces at r-project.org] On Behalf Of Darren Plant
Sent: 06 June 2013 15:28
To: Mark Dunning
Cc: bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: Re: [BioC] beadarray - combining swath files

Dear Mark,
This seems to work when i use the modified sampleSheet but not the correct sample sheet method. I'm flummoxed! 
Best wishes,

> getwd()
[1] "D:/work/RAMS"

> processSwathData(inputDir = "D:/work/RAMS/data/9259561003", outputDir 
> = "D:/work/RAMS/data/9259561003", twoColour=NULL, 
> textstring="_perBeadFile.txt", segmentHeight=326, segmentWidth=397, 
> fullOutput=TRUE, newTextString=".txt")

> sampleSheetFile <- paste("data", "/sampleSheet.csv", sep = "")
> readLines(sampleSheetFile)
 [1] "[Header],,,"                                           "Investigator Name,James Sellu,,"                       "Project Name,RAMS Whole Genome Expression Profiling,," "Experiment Name,Chip 1,,"                             
 [5] "Date,31/05/2013,,"                                     "[Data],,,"                                             "Sample_Name,Sample_Group,Sentrix_ID,Sentrix_Position"  "RAMS06012,poor,9259561003,A"                          
 [9] "RAMS12038,good,9259561003,B"                           "RAMS12001,good,9259561003,C"                           "RAMS21004,poor,9259561003,D"                           "RAMS12039,poor,9259561003,E"                          
[13] "RAMS12016,good,9259561003,F"                           "RAMS12032,good,9259561003,G"                           "RAMS12041,poor,9259561003,H"                           "RAMS15003,poor,9259561003,I"                          
[17] "RAMS20020,good,9259561003,J"                           "RAMS20022,good,9259561003,K"                           "RAMS10025,poor,9259561003,L"                          

> data <- readIllumina("D:/work/RAMS/data", sampleSheet = 
> sampleSheetFile, useImages = FALSE, illuminaAnnotation = "Humanv4")
Sample Sheet D:\work\RAMS\data\sampleSheet.csv will be used to read the data Data for section 9259561003_A not found Data for section 9259561003_B not found Data for section 9259561003_C not found Data for section 9259561003_D not found Data for section 9259561003_E not found Data for section 9259561003_F not found Data for section 9259561003_G not found Data for section 9259561003_H not found Data for section 9259561003_I not found Data for section 9259561003_J not found Data for section 9259561003_K not found Data for section 9259561003_L not found Error in analyseDirectory(dir = x, sectionNames = as.character(dirs[[x]]),  : 
  No data found for the specified sections

####### AND

> sampleSheetFile2 <- paste("data", "/sampleSheet2.csv", sep = "")
> readLines(sampleSheetFile2)
 [1] "[Header],,,"                                           "Investigator Name,James Sellu,,"                       "Project Name,RAMS Whole Genome Expression Profiling,," "Experiment Name,Chip 1,,"                             
 [5] "Date,31/05/2013,,"                                     "[Data],,,"                                             "Sample_Name,Sample_Group,Sentrix_ID,Sentrix_Position"  "RAMS06012,poor,9259561003,A-Swath1"                   
 [9] "RAMS12038,good,9259561003,B-Swath1"                    "RAMS12001,good,9259561003,C-Swath1"                    "RAMS21004,poor,9259561003,D-Swath1"                    "RAMS12039,poor,9259561003,E-Swath1"                   
[13] "RAMS12016,good,9259561003,F-Swath1"                    "RAMS12032,good,9259561003,G-Swath1"                    "RAMS12041,poor,9259561003,H-Swath1"                    "RAMS15003,poor,9259561003,I-Swath1"                   
[17] "RAMS20020,good,9259561003,J-Swath1"                    "RAMS20022,good,9259561003,K-Swath1"                    "RAMS10025,poor,9259561003,L-Swath1"                    "RAMS06012,poor,9259561003,A-Swath2"                   
[21] "RAMS12038,good,9259561003,B-Swath2"                    "RAMS12001,good,9259561003,C-Swath2"                    "RAMS21004,poor,9259561003,D-Swath2"                    "RAMS12039,poor,9259561003,E-Swath2"                   
[25] "RAMS12016,good,9259561003,F-Swath2"                    "RAMS12032,good,9259561003,G-Swath2"                    "RAMS12041,poor,9259561003,H-Swath2"                    "RAMS15003,poor,9259561003,I-Swath2"                   
[29] "RAMS20020,good,9259561003,J-Swath2"                    "RAMS20022,good,9259561003,K-Swath2"                    "RAMS10025,poor,9259561003,L-Swath2"                   

> data <- readIllumina("D:/work/RAMS/data",sampleSheet = 
> sampleSheetFile2, useImages = FALSE, illuminaAnnotation = "Humanv4")
Sample Sheet D:\work\RAMS\data\sampleSheet2.csv will be used to read the data Processing section 9259561003_A-Swath1 Processing section 9259561003_A-Swath2 Processing section 9259561003_B-Swath1 Processing section 9259561003_B-Swath2 Processing section 9259561003_C-Swath1 Processing section 9259561003_C-Swath2 Processing section 9259561003_D-Swath1 Processing section 9259561003_D-Swath2 Processing section 9259561003_E-Swath1 Processing section 9259561003_E-Swath2 Processing section 9259561003_F-Swath1 Processing section 9259561003_F-Swath2 Processing section 9259561003_G-Swath1 Processing section 9259561003_G-Swath2 Processing section 9259561003_H-Swath1 Processing section 9259561003_H-Swath2 Processing section 9259561003_I-Swath1 Processing section 9259561003_I-Swath2 Processing section 9259561003_J-Swath1 Processing section 9259561003_J-Swath2 Processing section 9259561003_K-Swath1 Processing section 9259561003_K-Swath2 Processing section 9259561003_L-Swath1 Processing section 9259561003_L-Swath2

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Dunning [mailto:mark.dunning at gmail.com]
Sent: 06 June 2013 14:22
To: Darren Plant
Cc: bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: Re: [BioC] beadarray - combining swath files

Hi Darren,

I think this should work
data <- readIllumina("D:/work/RAMS/data",sampleSheet = sampleSheetFile, useImages = FALSE, illuminaAnnotation = "Humanv4")

it assumes that each chip is a sub-directory of the directory that you specify. So putting "9259561003" in the path isn't needed - it will be trying to read data from D:\work\RAMS\data\9259561003\9259561003

Hope it works this time!


On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 1:50 PM, Darren Plant <Darren.Plant at manchester.ac.uk> wrote:

	Dear Mark,
	I'm running commands from my base directory
	my sampleSheet and array data are in D:/work/RAMS/data/9259561003
	I've also tried this with no luck.

	> sampleSheetFile <- paste("data/9259561003", "/sampleSheet.csv", sep = "")
	> readLines(sampleSheetFile)
	 [1] "[Header],,,"                                           "Investigator Name,James Sellu,,"                       "Project Name,RAMS Whole Genome Expression Profiling,," "Experiment Name,Chip 1,,"
	 [5] "Date,31/05/2013,,"                                     "[Data],,,"                                             "Sample_Name,Sample_Group,Sentrix_ID,Sentrix_Position"  "RAMS06012,poor,9259561003,A"
	 [9] "RAMS12038,good,9259561003,B"                           "RAMS12001,good,9259561003,C"                           "RAMS21004,poor,9259561003,D"                           "RAMS12039,poor,9259561003,E"
	[13] "RAMS12016,good,9259561003,F"                           "RAMS12032,good,9259561003,G"                           "RAMS12041,poor,9259561003,H"                           "RAMS15003,poor,9259561003,I"
	[17] "RAMS20020,good,9259561003,J"                           "RAMS20022,good,9259561003,K"                           "RAMS10025,poor,9259561003,L"
	> data <- readIllumina("data/9259561003", sampleSheet = sampleSheetFile, useImages = FALSE, illuminaAnnotation = "Humanv4")
	Sample Sheet D:\work\RAMS\data\9259561003\sampleSheet.csv will be used to read the data
	Error in analyseDirectory(dir = x, sectionNames = as.character(dirs[[x]]),  :
	  Directory does not exist.
	The only way i managed to get data into beadarray was after modifying the sampleSheet as i described earlier.
	Best wishes,

	-----Original Message-----
	From: Mark Dunning [mailto:mark.dunning at gmail.com]
	Sent: 06 June 2013 13:38
	To: Darren Plant
	Cc: bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
	Subject: Re: [BioC] beadarray - combining swath files
	Hi Darren,
	What directory are you running that command from?
	On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Darren Plant <Darren.Plant at manchester.ac.uk> wrote:
	        Dear Mark,
	        I tried this originally as i hadn't read that the sampleSheet would require modification in the documentation you provide. However, I couldn't get any data in to beadarray without changing the sample sheet (error below). Is there something fundamental that I'm doing wrong? Would it be possible for me to share a section array with you to see if you can use import/summarize at your end? Thank you for your continued support, this has been a real struggle for me.
	        Best wishes,
	        > sampleSheetFile <- paste("data/9259561003", "/sampleSheet.csv", sep = "")
	        > readLines(sampleSheetFile)
	         [1] "[Header],,,"
	         [2] "Investigator Name,James Sellu,,"
	         [3] "Project Name,RAMS Whole Genome Expression Profiling,,"
	         [4] "Experiment Name,Chip 1,,"
	         [5] "Date,31/05/2013,,"
	         [6] "[Data],,,"
	         [7] "Sample_Name,Sample_Group,Sentrix_ID,Sentrix_Position"
	         [8] "RAMS06012,poor,9259561003,A"
	         [9] "RAMS12038,good,9259561003,B"
	        [10] "RAMS12001,good,9259561003,C"
	        [11] "RAMS21004,poor,9259561003,D"
	        [12] "RAMS12039,poor,9259561003,E"
	        [13] "RAMS12016,good,9259561003,F"
	        [14] "RAMS12032,good,9259561003,G"
	        [15] "RAMS12041,poor,9259561003,H"
	        [16] "RAMS15003,poor,9259561003,I"
	        [17] "RAMS20020,good,9259561003,J"
	        [18] "RAMS20022,good,9259561003,K"
	        [19] "RAMS10025,poor,9259561003,L"
	        > data <- readIllumina("data", sampleSheet = sampleSheetFile, useImages = FALSE, illuminaAnnotation = "Humanv4")
	        Sample Sheet /home/mdehsdp4/RAMS/data/9259561003/sampleSheet.csv will be used to read the data
	        Data for section 9259561003_A not found
	        Data for section 9259561003_B not found
	        Data for section 9259561003_C not found
	        Data for section 9259561003_D not found
	        Data for section 9259561003_E not found
	        Data for section 9259561003_F not found
	        Data for section 9259561003_G not found
	        Data for section 9259561003_H not found
	        Data for section 9259561003_I not found
	        Data for section 9259561003_J not found
	        Data for section 9259561003_K not found
	        Data for section 9259561003_L not found
	        Error in analyseDirectory(dir = x, sectionNames = as.character(dirs[[x]]),  :
	          No data found for the specified sections
	        -----Original Message-----
	        From: Mark Dunning [mailto:mark.dunning at gmail.com]
	        Sent: 06 June 2013 13:02
	        To: Darren Plant
	        Cc: bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
	        Subject: Re: [BioC] beadarray - combining swath files
	        Hi Darren,
	        You don't need to include each swath as a separate line in the sample sheet. i.e. have 12 rows with the sentrix position as A to L. beadarray should be able to detect that there are two swathes per array.
	        Hope this helps,
	        On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 9:11 AM, Darren Plant <Darren.Plant at manchester.ac.uk> wrote:
	                Dear Mark,
	                Please see below for a copy of the commands i used. Unfortunately I'm still getting the same problem following your suggestion.
	                Best wishes,
	                > processSwathData(inputDir = "data/9259561003", outputDir = "data/9259561003", twoColour=NULL, textstring="_perBeadFile.txt", segmentHeight=326, segmentWidth=397, fullOutput=TRUE,  newTextString="_Grn.txt")
	                > sampleSheetFile <- paste("data/9259561003", "/sampleSheet.csv", sep = "")
	                > readLines(sampleSheetFile)
	                 [1] "[Header],,,"                                           "Investigator Name,,,"
	                 [3] "Project Name,RMS Whole Genome Expression Profiling,," "Experiment Name,,,"
	                 [5] "Date,31/05/2013,,"                                     "[Data],,,"
	                 [7] "Sample_Name,Sample_Group,Sentrix_ID,Sentrix_Position"  "RAMS06012,poor,9259561003,A-Swath1_Grn"
	                 [9] "RM06012,poor,9259561003,A-Swath2_Grn"                "RM12038,good,9259561003,B-Swath1_Grn"
	                [11] "RM12038,good,9259561003,B-Swath2_Grn"                "RM12001,good,9259561003,C-Swath1_Grn"
	                [13] "RM12001,good,9259561003,C-Swath2_Grn"                "RM21004,poor,9259561003,D-Swath1_Grn"
	                [15] "RM21004,poor,9259561003,D-Swath2_Grn"                "RM12039,poor,9259561003,E-Swath1_Grn"
	                [17] "RM12039,poor,9259561003,E-Swath2_Grn"                "RM12016,good,9259561003,F-Swath1_Grn"
	                [19] "RM12016,good,9259561003,F-Swath2_Grn"                "RM12032,good,9259561003,G-Swath1_Grn"
	                [21] "RM12032,good,9259561003,G-Swath2_Grn"                "RM12041,poor,9259561003,H-Swath1_Grn"
	                [23] "RM12041,poor,9259561003,H-Swath2_Grn"                "RM15003,poor,9259561003,I-Swath1_Grn"
	                [25] "RM15003,poor,9259561003,I-Swath2_Grn"                "RM20020,good,9259561003,J-Swath1_Grn"
	                [27] "RM20020,good,9259561003,J-Swath2_Grn"                "RM20022,good,9259561003,K-Swath1_Grn"
	                [29] "RM20022,good,9259561003,K-Swath2_Grn"                "RM10025,poor,9259561003,L-Swath1_Grn"
	                [31] "RM10025,poor,9259561003,L-Swath2_Grn"
	                > data <- readIllumina("data", sampleSheet = sampleSheetFile, useImages = FALSE, illuminaAnnotation = "Humanv4")
	                Sample Sheet D:\work\RAMS\data\9259561003\sampleSheet.csv will be used to read the data
	                Processing section 9259561003_A-Swath1_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_A-Swath2_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_B-Swath1_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_B-Swath2_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_C-Swath1_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_C-Swath2_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_D-Swath1_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_D-Swath2_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_E-Swath1_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_E-Swath2_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_F-Swath1_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_F-Swath2_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_G-Swath1_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_G-Swath2_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_H-Swath1_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_H-Swath2_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_I-Swath1_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_I-Swath2_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_J-Swath1_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_J-Swath2_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_K-Swath1_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_K-Swath2_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_L-Swath1_Grn
	                Processing section 9259561003_L-Swath2_Grn
	                datasumm <- summarize(data,useSampleFac=T,sampleFac=rep(1:12,each=2))
	                Finding list of unique probes in beadLevelData
	                48324  unique probeIDs found
	                Number of unmapped probes removed:  217 Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 1 Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 2 Removing outliers Using exprFun Using varFun Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 3 Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 4 Removing outliers Using exprFun Using varFun Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 5 Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 6 Removing outliers Using exprFun Using varFun Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 7 Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 8 Removing outliers Using exprFun Using varFun Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 9 Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 10 Removing outliers Using exprFun Using varFun Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 11 Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 12 Removing outliers Using exprFun Using varFun Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 13 Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 14 Removing outliers Using exprFun Using varFun Summarizin!
 g  G  channel Processing Array 15 Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 16 Removing outliers Using exprFun Using varFun Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 17 Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 18 Removing outliers Using exprFun Using varFun Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 19 Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 20 Removing outliers Using exprFun Using varFun Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 21 Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 22 Removing outliers Using exprFun Using varFun Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 23 Summarizing  G  channel Processing Array 24 Removing outliers Using exprFun Using varFun Making  summary object Annotating control probes using package illuminaHumanv4.db Version:1.16.0
	                Error in value[[3L]](cond) : row names supplied are of the wrong length
	                  AnnotatedDataFrame 'initialize' could not update varMetadata:
	                  perhaps pData and varMetadata are inconsistent?
	                -----Original Message-----
	                From: Mark Dunning [mailto:mark.dunning at gmail.com]
	                Sent: 05 June 2013 15:45
	                To: Darren Plant
	                Cc: bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
	                Subject: Re: [BioC] beadarray - combining swath files
	                Hi Darren,
	                I'm having a little trouble trying to reproduce the error. What commands did you use to generate the bead-level data? It seems to work for the data that I have.
	                In the meantime, you can force beadarray to consolidate sections by using the sampleFac argument. The resulting object will then have all columns (samples).
	                > bsd <- summarize(bld,useSampleFac=T,sampleFac=rep(1:12,each=2))
	                > bsd
	                ExpressionSetIllumina (storageMode: list)
	                assayData: 48107 features, 12 samples
	                  element names: exprs, se.exprs, nObservations
	                protocolData: none
	                  rowNames: 8106854095_A 8106854095_B ... 8106854095_L (12 total)
	                  varLabels: sampleID SampleFac
	                  varMetadata: labelDescription
	                  featureNames: ILMN_1802380 ILMN_1893287 ... ILMN_1806862 (48107
	                  fvarLabels: ArrayAddressID IlluminaID Status
	                  fvarMetadata: labelDescription
	                experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
	                Annotation: Humanv4
	                QC Information
	                 Available Slots:
	                  QC Items: Date, Beadchip, ..., SampleGroup, numBeads
	                  sampleNames: 8106854095_A-Swath1, 8106854095_A-Swath2, ..., 8106854095_L-Swath1, 8106854095_L-Swath2
	                Please send me your code though.
	                On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 9:43 AM, Darren <darren.plant at manchester.ac.uk> wrote:
	                        Sunitha M <sunkorner at ...> writes:
	                        > Dear all,
	                        > I am trying to analyse Illumina beadarray data produced by iScan for the
	                        first time. This scanner saves each
	                        > array in two different tiff images. As a first step, I used
	                        ProcessSwathData() function that
	                        > deconvolutes the bead-level data and creates two files, swath1 and
	                        swath2 for the two tiff images.
	                        > However, in the subsequent step, i. e. readIllumina function these two
	                        files are treated as if they are
	                        > from two different arrays (although they belong to one array). Is there
	                        any parameter we can pass to the
	                        > readIllumina function to indicate that those two files belongs to one
	                        > Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.
	                        > Thanks
	                        > Sunitha
	                        >       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
	                        > Dear Sunitha,
	                        i hope you don't mind me joining in but i am faced with the same problem.
	                        There is no information on how to proceed with iScan data after
	                        ProcessSwathData() as far as i can see. Please let me know if you figure
	                        this out. I think others have used Illumina software to process the tiff
	                        files as an alternative.
	                        Best wishes,
	                        > _______________________________________________
	                        > Bioconductor mailing list
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	                        > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/bioconductor
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	                        Bioconductor mailing list
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