[BioC] crlmm : copy number and genotyping of Illumina data

Abhishek Pratap apratap at sagebase.org
Tue Feb 18 01:01:38 CET 2014

Hi All

I am trying to use crlmm package for doing the genotyping and CNV
analysis on a set ~200 samples genotyped on Illumina Omni5 array.

I tried following the vignette (seems a  bit dated) and got some
errors(see below)

Also searching a bit more I found multiple functions in the code of
crlmm like (genotype.Illumina, crlmmIlluminav2 etc) which seem to be
doing similar stuff.

Just wondering if someone can point me to the latest recipe(if any) of
reading in the idat files (dual channel) and do the basic genotyping
calling + copy number analysis.

here is what I have done for a test case (5 arrays)

> cnSet <- genotype.Illumina(sampleSheet = samplesheet[1:5,],
+                            arrayNames = arrayNames[1:5],
+                            arrayInfoColNames =
list(barcode="SentrixBarcode_A", position="SentrixPosition_A"),
+                            path = datadir,
+                            copynumber = T,
+                            batch = samplesheet$Sample_Group[1:5],
+                            cdfName = "humanomni5quadv1b",
+                            call.method = "krlmm",
+                            verbose=T
+                           )
Instantiate CNSet container.
Initializing container for genotyping and copy number estimation
reading /work/DAT_118__AML/Analysis/dset1/CNV/data/5396_6298080101_R02C01_Grn.idat
reading /work/DAT_118__AML/Analysis/dset1/CNV/data/5405_6298080103_R03C01_Grn.idat
reading /work/DAT_118__AML/Analysis/dset1/CNV/data/5414_6298098003_R04C01_Grn.idat
reading /work/DAT_118__AML/Analysis/dset1/CNV/data/6431_8116121004_R03C01_Grn.idat
reading /work/DAT_118__AML/Analysis/dset1/CNV/data/5423_6762372017_R01C01_Grn.idat
Processing sample stratum 1 of 1

Loading chip annotation information.
Loading reference normalization information.
Quantile normalizing 5 arrays, one at a time.
Loading snp annotation and mixture model parameters.
Calibrating 5 arrays.
                           |  60%
Error in quantile.default(M, c(1, 5)/6, names = FALSE) :
  missing values and NaN's not allowed if 'na.rm' is FALSE

In addition: Warning messages:
1: In getProtocolData.Illumina(grnidats, sep = sep, fileExt = fileExt$green,  :
  Chips are not of the same type.  Skipping 6431_8116121004_R03C01_Grn.idat
2: In readIdatFiles(sampleSheet = sampleSheet[sel, ], arrayNames =
arrayNames[sel],  :
  Chips are not of the same type.  Skipping
6431_8116121004_R03C01_Grn.idat and 6431_8116121004_R03C01_Red.idat


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