[ESS] ESS + Stata 10 + Windows XP

renato corbetta corbetta at uab.edu
Tue Dec 11 19:49:07 CET 2007

Stata is still popular in my field, and I tend to jump back and forth 
between Stata and R.
I use Stata 8 and 9 frequently, but never managed to establish a 
connection between ESS and Stata. 

I run Stata 8 on an openSUSE Linux computer.  On that machine, Stata 8 
still works
from the X terminal, but I never managed to get a running process with 
Emacs 21.3 and ESS.
I run Stata 9 SE on a Windows XP machine.   It's all GUI there, so I had 
no luck with that
either.  I have Emacs 21.3 on the Windows computer.  Occasionally I use 
ESS to prepare my
.do files.  But then I have to fire up the Stata GUI for the analysis 
part and cut-and-paste my .do
file into the Stata editor.  Finally, I go back to Emacs to read my .log 
file.  It gets a bit tedious
at times.



A.J. Rossini wrote:

>Last I checked (Stata 9?) they made it completely GUI based, and
>graphics no longer available from a terminal window process, so I gave
>Are there any other Stata users using ESS?
>On 12/11/07, Walke, Rainer <Walke at demogr.mpg.de> wrote:
>>Dear ESS-users,
>>I'd like to use Emacs-ESS as a frontend for Stata Intercooled 10 on a MS
>>Windows XP computer.
>>It seems to me difficult to get the connection between ESS and the Stata
>>process established.
>>Is there some evidence that ESS and Stata 10 work together? Any hint
>>Kind regards,
>>Rainer Walke
>>This mail has been sent through the MPI for Demographic ...{{dropped:10}}
>>ESS-help at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list

Renato Corbetta                          
Assistant Professor                      
238A Ullman                                  
Department of Government                       
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
1212 University Blvd.
Birmingham, AL 35294-3050
Phone: 205-934-2336
Fax: 205-975-5712
Web site: http://www.dpo.uab.edu/~corbetta/home.htm

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