[ESS] R Help Pages for Masked Objects

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Tue Apr 20 15:00:47 CEST 2010

>>>>> "AL" == Alan Lue <alan.lue at gmail.com>
>>>>>     on Sun, 18 Apr 2010 08:44:10 -0700 writes:

    AL> Hi, I'm using ESS on Emacs 23 in Ubuntu, and I recently
    AL> added the "bit" package to my R system:

    AL> http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/bit/index.html

    AL> `bit' includes a function called `xor', which masks the
    AL> `xor' function in base.  I can uniquely identify these
    AL> objects with `base::xor()' and `bit::xor()', but when I
    AL> type C-c C-v for help, a Tcl/Tk menu pops up and prompts
    AL> for clarification.  Moreover once I select one of the
    AL> options (either `base::xor' or `bit::xor'), opening help
    AL> for `xor' henceforth defaults to my original selection.

Well, for efficiency reasons, the buffer  *help[R](xor)*  is
simply reused.
If you want to get the popup menu again for chosing, simply
delete the *help[R](xor)* buffer.

    AL> Is there a way to uniquely specify the object I'm
    AL> looking for when I use C-c C-v?  Specifying `base::xor'
    AL> doesn't work, and typing `help(xor, bit)' in the R
    AL> interpreter produces output in the interpreter window.

yes..  this is less than optimal, and no, I don't know of a
(quick) solution.

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

    AL> Alan

    AL> -- Alan Lue Master of Financial Engineering UCLA
    AL> Anderson School of Management

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