R-0.63.2 is released

Peter Dalgaard BSA p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk
Mon Jan 11 14:56:59 CET 1999

I've put up R-0.63.2.tgz up for FTP from Auckland some minutes ago.
As usual, don't get it from there unless you are desperate, but wait
for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site near you within a day or two.

For those who *are* desperate, I've left a copy in
(Be gentle, that's my desktop PC!)

There's also a version split in two for floppies and a patch file if
you prefer that.

This version is mainly to fix a messup with attributes on dataframe
variables that caused trouble for survival4. Completeness in
bug-fixing is not attempted.

Here is the relevant part of the NEWS file:



    o	sink() has new `append' argument.

    o	new function rle().

    o	plot(.) and  curve(.) also accept a function as first argument.
	new `plot.function'.

    o	new function loglin().

    o	pretty() has new arguments and now better "obeys" its `n' arg.
	Internal GPretty() [implicitly used by	axis(.., at = NULL,..)
	now uses pretty.

    o   new generic function aggregate() with methods for data frames
	and time series.

    o   data set `euro' with Euro conversion rates.

    o   new function jitter()  [slightly wmore useful than S's].


    o	model.frame(,subset=) no longer loses contrasts

    o	`make install' copied the R shell script a second time without
	getting RHOME right (thus also breaking R CMD check).  Fixed.

    o	help() after help.start() did not work if topic was not equal
	to filename (e.g. rnorm is found in Normal.html)

    o	fix the 0.63.1 fix for abbreviate(.);  improved doc.

    o	predict.mlm(.) couldn't have worked with `newdata'.

    o	model.frame/na.omit bug for matrices and Surv objects.

    o	mean( <data.frame> ) now doesn't return sum(.) anymore.

    o	str(.) doesn't give extraneous "..." in rare cases anymore.

    o	Added documentation for group methods ("Math", "Ops","Summary").

    o	R_PAPERSIZE is used for Rd2dvi and at configure time for the 
	`make dvi' parts.

    o	hist(i) now also works for e.g., i = -1, 0, or 1.

    o   range() now works on dataframes (uses c(..., recursive=T))

    o	pretty(.) does not loop infinitely anymore in very extreme cases.

    o   math functions should work better on dataframes now

    o	plot(.., type = 'h', log = 'y')	 now works ...

    o   plot.factor(x, y, ...) of two factors now makes
        barplot(table(y,x), ...)

    o   use object$prior.weights in add1.glm, drop1.glm (Brian Ripley)

    o   rnorm(1,mean=m,sd=0) returns m, not NaN (Ben Bolker)

    o   runif(n, a,a) now returns  rep(a,n) instead of NaNs.

   O__  ---- Peter Dalgaard             Blegdamsvej 3  
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics     2200 Cph. N   
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark      Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk)             FAX: (+45) 35327907
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